From Fedora Project Wiki
Nominations are open.
The nomination period closes on November 7th.

FAmSCo 2010 elections

Candidates must be a member of the Ambassadors group in the Fedora Accounts System. This helps ensure that FAmSCo members have some experience with the processes of Fedora Ambassadors, but still allows relatively new contributors to sit on FAmSCo and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Ambassadors will be following the Fedora election timeline.

You may self-nominate. If you wish to nominate someone else, please consult with that person ahead of time.

Neville A. Cross (yn1v)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.
    • Fedora User since 2006 and joined the Nicaraguan Fedora group in March 2008.
    • Ambassador since August 20th, 2008 and Mentor since April 5th, 2010.
    • Freemedia Team since Decenber 2008 and Administrator since April 2009
    • Marketing Team since January 1st, 2010, working with Fedora Weekly News team making the marketing beat since February 2010.
    • I have tried to get Fedora Ambassadors in all Central America. I have to said that Panama ambassadors came in their own, but I have made contact with people in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica to achieve this, even before been appointed as a mentor.
    • I have organized several events in Nicaragua, and participate in others events in Central America. Among the events that I have helped to organize there is the recognition as one of the best F11 release party.
    • I have participated at FUDCom Latam 2009 in Porto Alegre Brasil and FAD Marketing 2010 in Raleigh. I will be attending to FUDCom 2011 in Tempe.
  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?

I like to keep working to enhance the growth of Fedora in Central America and LATAM. I think it is useful to have a voice representing our region in FAmSCo. Budget has several time not used fully in LATAM, and in the other hand Ambassadors have been putting their own money to produce events. I think this needs to change.

  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?

FAmSCo should be a facilitator of the activities that Ambassadors undertake around the world. To bridge Ambassadors to the right people within the project when ideas arise that are involving more than Ambassadors team.

  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?

Enable Ambassadors in LATAM to fully use their budget in a responsible and constructively way. Others goals that I have in the project does not require to be elected, such a revamp of distribution project that is only living as expenses of Freemedia team.

  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

I think that the most important change is to change the fact that we have unused budget, we want to reach new collaborators and we need to invest on get them.--Yn1v 03:12, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Marcus Moeller (marcus)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.

I have signed the CLA in 2008. Shortly afterwards I joined the Ambassadors group because I wanted to help promoting Fedora. I have already been participating in several FADs/events and am a package maintainer, too. This year I have organized FUDCon EMEA Zurich together with my college Sandro which was a lot of work (but also a lot of fun :))

  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
    • I want to help improving the initial mentoring process (with clear guidelines)
    • I am thinking of new ways to distribute installation media (as DVDs are not that modern, any more).
    • I want to help organizing FADs (yes, the good ol' classic ambassador days).
  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?

As the name implies it is the meant to give ambassadors a clear direction and aims. Members act as contacts on organizational tasks and should help solving disputes.

  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?

Besides the goals I mentioned above I think money also matters for a project like Fedora (and I am not only talking about money from Red Hat here). Funds are necessary to guarantee (some kind of :)) project independence.

In the past we had at least the e.V. to at least coordinate money exchange from America to Europe. But as the e.V. might not exist much longer we need to find alternative ways.

  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

The Ambassadors project is already run in an adequate way, but I want to integrate some aspects more into the rest of the project (e.g. all group mentors are listed at: but Ambassadors are liked to a separate page.)

David Ramsey (dramsey)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.

I have been with Fedora starting at version Fedora 9.

  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?

I want to be a member of FAmSCo in order to help the Ambassadors.

  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?

I think that FAmSCo's role may provide structure and help facilitate the needs of the Ambassadors.

  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?

My particular goals related to FAmSCo would be the following:

  1. I want to understand and to address the Ambassadors' wants and needs.
  2. I want to help the Ambassadors achieve their own goals with appropriate support.
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

After having been an Ambassador and hearing their needs and wants, There is always room for improvement in all processes.

I believe that after an effective evaluation of the current way things are done, an appropriate way to interface via FAmSCo in order to address Ambassadors' growth and development is in my mind.

Gerard Braad (gbraad)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.
    • I have been using Red Hat since one of the early releases, but from the perspective of a user. I was happy to hear that Fedora was the continuation of a commitment to the desktop. Although I have tried many different distributions in the meantime, I have always remained loyal to this RPM-based distro. Recently I have focussed more on the management and development side of the project by assisting the Chinese Fedora and Open Source community and getting the Fedora MIPS port on track. I am member of the Marketing team as the key to promote Open Source in China is get TOSW more generally accepted.
  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
    • It seems like the best way to assist and help the Chinese and Asian community to get a better foothold in the Fedora project.
  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?
    • Providing the Ambassadors a place to go for their questions about resources they need, how to co-operate with the other Fedora and Open Source communities in their region.
  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?
    • My particular goals related to FAmSCo would be the following:
      1. Mentoring and support for current Ambassador
      2. Grow presence and awareness of Fedora and Open Source in general in Greater China
      3. Being a bridge between cultures
      4. Being a bridge between Marketing and Ambassadors
      5. Ambassadors in the APAC should have a good representation of your needs and resources
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?
    • Ambassadors play a role in not just representing the brand, but also in the promotion of 'The Open Source Way'. They are the greeters to our Community and assist in getting contributions to Fedora and our Upstream projects

JoergSimon (kital)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.

My involvement with Fedora started with my first FUDCon in 2005, today i contribute to multiple groups in the Fedora Project and i am the current FAmSCo Chair. My main focus in Fedora right now is: the work on membership Community Development and Mentoring, Fedora as Security Testing Platform and the Fedora Security Spin, Fedora mailing list- and membership-administration and working on strong support for the Fedora Community in underrepresented regions in the world! Promoting Fedora on Events is another major part of my work and so i work as organizer, driver, helper, slogger, promoter on a lot Events since years and i produce, store and ship a lot of the EMEA SWAG and Booth Material.

  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?

Because i care about the Fedora Ambassador Group. Once elected - FAmSCo means 12 month of ongoing reliable diligence and work - and often going a hard way - this is how i like it!

  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?
    • FAmSCo acts as a liason to the Board and to the other Groups
    • work on the vision and on "what is the proper role of the Ambassador Group in a global project like the Fedora Project"
    • that Ambassadors get the ressources they need, but also accountability
    • Mentors&Membership-Management - manage the grow with focus on quantity and quality of new Ambassadors Candidates
    • continuous improvement of our policies like the Ambassador Code of Conduct
    • encourage and support regional leaders
    • manage our budget
    • fix/resolve disputes within the group
    • of course, listen and help Ambassadors to get their ideas working
    • ...
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

As a Meta-Group with over 700 Contributors from all over the Fedora Project, this Group has the ability to spread not only Fedora the OS itself - we are more than that - we are Evangelist, technical Teacher, Mentor, Marketeer, Logistic, Artworker, Coder, Developer, PeoplePerson, SWAG&Media-Producer, Organizer, Project Manager ... in one Role. We all should strive to improve ourself in this Role! Ambassadors do a great job public facing, we have to get better to fulfil our Role as the glue between all the groups inside Fedora!

--Jsimon 17:31, 28 October 2010 (UTC)

Rahul Sundaram (mether)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.

I have been a user of Red Hat Linux when dinosaurs were still running around :-). I have been involved in this project (Remember Red Hat Linux Project 1.0 release plan before Fedora?), a couple of months after it was originally launched and have increased my participation like the tentacles of an octopus or even a banyan tree! over the last seven years. I am involved in various aspects of the Fedora community including documentation, marketing, packaging, helping out users and fellow contributors in getting started and staying involved.

  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?

I was a founding member of FAMSCo (and first public Fedora Project Board) and the second official Fedora Ambassador in the world. Although I deliberately have stepped back and let others in the community take a active role in the past several years, I have continued to support FAMSCo and since my role at Red Hat is likely to change to being community facing again, I would like to be given an opportunity to be part of this leadership and support APAC and India activities as well as event management and support infrastructure in general.

  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?

I have always thought of it as a leadership activity in many ways similar to FESCo but with a people perspective instead of just a technical role. FAMSCo's role is to mentor, support and guide Ambassadors and resolve any conflicts that will arise from time to time.

  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?

I want to ensure that Ambassadors are well aware of the details of Fedora in the past and in a new release, what's exciting and what's new and help provide ancillary support via infrastructure or packaging when necessary. I want to help with marketing efforts. I would also to guide and support Ambassadors, existing and new in APAC and India get started and stay involved.

  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

I would like all Ambassadors to actively contribute in whatever ways that is possible. You don't have to be a technical person to do that necessarily and we already have a good history of Ambassadors getting involved in documentation, marketing, packaging, L10N etc and I want to encourage strongly a contributory culture to Fedora instead of Ambassadors limiting themselves to being marketing contacts only. I also want to ensure that whoever becomes a Ambassador has a strong hold on all the important details, including milestones, successes and failures in Fedora and atleast be aware of whom to redirect when they get a question they do not know the answer to. I want to do that by help documenting all those details in a guide which is a living document that will grow with more questions and answers. I aspire to organize a FUDCon in India in the next year as well.

Thank you all for reading and your support.

Zoltan Hoppar (zoltanh7211)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.

I have used our beloved OS earlier from Fedora 7, looked for an stable translation platform for GPL programs. Therefore I have signed the CLA in 2009 and joined first to the localisation team, as l10n Hungarian translator. and then to the Ambassadors group because I wanted to help promoting Fedora, and help the expansion to Hungary. Currently, I try to do some marketing, art and swag research, swag creation - to make 'waves in still water'. I have already participated in few FADs/events, to learn, gather experience - and feel the pulse of the community.

  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
    • I would like to give aid, care to all of the ambassadors group.
    • I want to expand, strengthen our presence towards scandinavia, russia, poland, to former eastern bloc.

  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?

Gives suggestions, aids, builds structure, leads, protects, answers, communicating to/about the needs/problems of the Ambassadors, and binds every part inside-out of the community.

  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?
    • I want to expand, strengthen our presence towards eg. Scandinavia, Russia, Poland, to former eastern bloc
    • Improve mentor program, and expand to each groups to have at least one who educates the newcomers inside
    • More regular classrooms to keep, build quality
    • More "ninja" programs - incentives within the community
    • Give support that is achievable from our resources without wasting
    • More marketing - possibly more swags
    • Tools for ambassadors - improve swag and free media handling.
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

We have to keep the unity, responsibility between the Ambassadors.

Caius Chance (kaio)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.
  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?
  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?

Full Name (IRC handle)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.
  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?
  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?