I am a member of the LXDE community and founded the LXDE Foundation together with contributors to support the project. I support the project in the translation project and community building. I am origianally from Berlin Germany, but have lived in different countries e.g. Australia, Afghanistan, France and Italy. My private blog is perspektive89.com.
- Email: mailto:mb@lxde.org
- IRC: MarioB (eg. #fedora, #lxde, #lxde-zh, #linuxnus)
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: Mario Behling
Member of
Special Interests
- Fedora LXDE Spin (work in progress)
Activities within Fedora
- Supporting porting of LXDE to Fedora
- Organizing events bringing together the Fedora community
- Translating packages used in Fedora
- Giving presentations introducing Fedora
I applied to join Ambassadors in June 2009 and am member of the Ambassadors Germany.
- 2010
- Froscon
- Linuxtag
- 2009
- Linuxtag 2009, June 24 - 27, Berlin (Germany)
- FUDCon Berlin 2009, June 26 - 28, Berlin (Germany)