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Ramon Almeida
Full Name: Ramon Goes Almeida Email: Google Talk: IRC: Mufiu @ #fedora-br, #fedora-latam, #fedora-ambassadors FAS: ramonalmeida Languages: Brazilian Portuguese, English Location: Bahia , Brazil Job: " SysAdm " Blog: |
Fedora Projects Involved
Activities within Fedora
- Fedora Ambassador for Brazil and Latin America.
I seek to promote Fedora during events that I participate to and events that I promote
specifically to attract new users and grow our community, where Minister lecture
inner-city colleges and universities.
I'm SysAdmin, working with Linux and open-source solutions since 2002 where employment My knowledge in servers for small and large.
Finger Print
C59F 852D 114B 4CB9 2964 8226 9733 84FB FDF5 9989