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Revision as of 22:45, 8 November 2010 by Rmattes (talk | contribs)

Next Meeting

Next Meeting not scheduled yet

Agenda for Next Meeting

  • Package Reviews/Outstanding Tasks/Interesting Software
    • What else do we need for LiveCD
    • Re-evaluate Tasks list, focus on what we have manpower for
    • Re-evaluate Interesting Software list, see if there's still interest/projects are still alive
  • Tutorials/Documentation
    • Outlined on Demos page
    • Are our ideas realistic? Upstream-able?
  • LiveCD spin
    • Kickstart file
    • Size target (CD? DVD?)
    • Get in touch with Spins SIG?
    • F15 feature (can we pull it off in the next few months?)
  • Regular meeting schedule
    • Does it make sense? When is everyone available?
  • Blogging/Planet Fedora
    • Start fedora-robotics blog?
    • Blog more often individually about robotics stuff?
  • Anything else: feel free to edit

Past Meetings