From Fedora Project Wiki
Perl for Server Spin/SIG
Goal: have a list of main Perl modules needed on production server.
Good candidates: It should be small group, which should be part of Server from ServerSIG. These aim is take more care about them and watch growth of requirements of these packages.
Minimal installation
(modules without their dependencies)
perl-Archive-Tar | an interface to TAR archive files | |
perl-Archive-Zip | an interface to ZIP archive files | |
perl-CGI-Session | persistent session data in CGI applications | |
perl-CGI | simply CGI | |
perl-core | main perl (interpreter and core modules) | |
perl-Crypt-SSLeay | OpenSSL support for LWP (libwww-perl) | |
perl-DBD-MySQL | database driver | |
perl-DBD-Pg | database driver | |
perl-DBD-SQLite | database driver | |
perl-DBI | database independent interface | |
perl-DBIx-Simple | OO interface to database | |
perl-LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
perl-libguestfs | it's sub-package of libguestfs incorrectly sub-packaged | |
perl-libwww-perl | Library for WWW in Perl - accessing data on web | |
perl-libxml-perl | no ratings, 6 years without new release, few dependencies | remove? |
perl-Mozilla-LDAP | could be removed? last release in 1999, no rating | |
perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver | ||
perl-Net-DNS | ||
perl-Task-Weaken | ||
perl-URI | ||
perl-XML-LibXML | ||
perl-XML-LibXSLT | ||
perl-XML-SAX | ||
perl-YAML |
Catalyst, CGI,...
perl-Task-Catalyst | install all Catalyst modules -> wrong, maybe some basic group? |
perl-CGI-? | which of these |
perl-Fast-FCGI-* | which of these |
perl-JSON-* | which of these |
CPAN enablement
(is it needed on production server?)
perl-local-lib | create local path for installation from cpan |
perl-App-perlbrew | help switch between perl releases |
Needed/under review
Plack review [1]