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Nagios: Standard Operating Procedure

Contact Information

Owner: Fedora Infrastructure Team

Contact: #fedora-admin, sysadmin-main & sysadmin-noc groups

Location: Anywhere

Servers: noc1, noc2, puppet1

Purpose: This SOP is to describe nagios configurations

Initial Configuration

CGI Access

To view information in nagios (anything with cgi-bin in the path) you need to be able to grant yourself access. After checking out the Puppet CVS tree as described in the Puppet SOP you first need to edit configs/system/nagios/cgi.cfg and append your FAS username to 'authorized_for_system_commands'

Contact Information

You must configure a contacts file to be able to acknowledge outages Create a new file named 'fasname.cfg' in configs/system/nagios/contacts/ with the following details:

define contact{
contact_name            fasname
alias                   Real Name
service_notification_period   24x7
host_notification_period      24x7
service_notification_options  w,u,c,r
host_notification_options     d,u,r
service_notification_commands notify-by-email
host_notification_commands    host-notify-by-email
email                   Email address (any)

Using the 24x7 notification period may cause duplicate messages if you are a member of sysadmin-main, in which case you can specify 'never' instead

Next append your name to the 'members' section of configs/system/nagios/contactgroups/fedora-sysadmin-email.cfg


The same changes will need to be applied with the nagios-external configuration (configs/system/nogios-external)

Commit Changes

Remember to "cvs add" the contacts/fasname.cfg files

Commit changes by running cvs commit -m "Adding fasname to Nagios" and then mark the changes for distribution by make install

Understanding the Messages


Nagios notifications are generally easy to read, and follow this consistent format:

** HOST DOWN/UP alert - hostname **

Reading the message will provide extra information on what is wrong.

Disk Space Warning/Critical

Disk space warnings normally include the following information:

DISK WARNING/CRITICAL/OK - free space: mountpoint freespace(MB) (freespace(%) inode=freeinodes(%)):

A message stating "(1% inode=99%)" means that the diskspace is critical not the inode usage and is a sign that more diskspace is required.

Further Reading