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Revision as of 19:58, 13 December 2010 by Renault (talk | contribs)

Event information

The « Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L) » are an event organized by the association Linux-Azur. Each year, in November, the JM2L are the occasion to see many projects with their developers, the community and some conferences.

When and Where

  • Saturday the 27th of November (Charles-Antoine wasn't present on Friday) : 10h-19h
  • Polytech'Nice, Sophia-Antipolis. France



Charles-Antoine Couret have represented the Fedora Project and Fedora-fr during this event with a stand.

He have presented Fedora to visitors and assisted users with their Fedora. But his first intention was to promote the « CILL » (Club de l'ISEN des Logiciels Libres) with 3 colleagues. They were responsible of an install-party. They installed many Fedora during this event with CDs (Fedora 14 32 bits).

15 CDs of Fedora 14 have been distributed.


Kévin Raymond and Mathieu Bridon gave to material Charles-Antoine by Carl Chenet (leader of Debian-fr association).

  • CDs Fedora 14 32 bits : 30 (15 have been distributed or sold)
  • T-shirts : 5 (1 have been sold)