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Revision as of 14:14, 14 January 2011 by Hongqing (talk | contribs)

<Hongqing YANG> <14 January 2010>

Accomplishments for this week

  • read the sources code of AutoQA tests rats_install and rats_sanity and understand it.
  • explore the Anaconda/Logging technologies.

Plans for the upcoming week

  • involve in the F15 rawhide acceptance test.
  • continue exploring the technologies of Anaconda/Logging.

Discussions, Escalations or Requests

  • target missed: prepare knowledge for the F15 Rawhide Acceptance Test Plan by reading the Rawhide Acceptance Test Plan, former test results, etc .I will finish this on this weekend.
  • I think the steps to do the assignment is below:
  1. create port /dev/virtio-ports/org.fedoraproject.anaconda.log.0, I will do this next week.
  2. create a guest with a serial port
  3. start the listening rsyslogd process on the host, follow the instrution:
  4. define the test result criteria according the logs forwarded by the guest.
  • I also tried below to create the port on guest

first, add the channel option to virt-install command, code is below:

virt-install \
--connect qemu:///system \
--virt-type kvm \
--name demo1 \
--ram 500 \
--disk  path=/home/hongqing/testscript/demo1.img,size=10,sparse=true \
--accelerate \
--cdrom  /home/hongqing/fedora/Fedora-14-x86_64-DVD.iso \
--channel tcp host=  mode=connect target_type=virtio name=org.fedoraproject.nanconda.log.0

I get the error messsage:

Starting install...
ERROR    internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/35
getaddrinfo(,None): Servname not supported for ai_socktype
chardev: opening backend "socket" failed

I think this is because I do not create the org.fedoraproject.nanconda.log.0 on the host, I will keep trying. second, after the guest create, use virsh attach-device command to attach a channel, xml file is below:
following the instruction on page: . I have sucessfully attach a cdrom, but it fails to attach a port, the xml file is below:

<channel type='tcp'>
    <source mode='connect' host='' service='6080'/>
    <target type='virtio' name='org.fedoraproject.anaconda.log.0'/>

error message is:

error: Failed to attach device from channel.xml
error: XML description for unknown device type is not well formed or invalid

I just got message from Daniel P. Berrange that virsh does not support serials hotplug. I can use virsh edit or add to the configuration xml file when create guest. I also find that qemu monitor supports serials hotplug/unhotplug, I will also try this.