From Fedora Project Wiki
Fedora 14 release party + 2bil firefox celebrate!
When and Where
- 18-20pm, 18 November 2010, Limassol, CYPRUS
- Αίθουσα ΕΛΑΤ (κτήριο Λαϊκής τράπεζας απέναντι από το πρώην κτηματολόγιο)
- The event will be held in Greek
- Introduce students to linux and fedora project
- Let them install and use fedora
- Present open source software for their university needs
- presentations (fedora project, firefox browser, design suite spin)
- inform students and linux communities
- print posters (done)
- prepare greek uni-spin (?) + install fest
- fedora usb creation
- host a tele-presentation
- Misaakidis, fedora ambassador of Cyprus
- Theodotos