This page is a light project plan for Fedora Insight.
To deploy a content management system for the Fedora Project; and to build around it a team of Fedora contributors who are passionate about maintaining it and serving other contributors with it.
Project name
Fedora Insight
Project team
- Paul W. Frields (stickster) - Project manager/contributor
- Peter Borsa (asrob) - Project contributor
- Andrea Veri (averi) - Project contributor
- Robyn Bergeron (rbergeron) - Marketing team
- Pascal Calarco (pcalarco) - Fedora Weekly News team
- Jef van Schendel (schendje) - Design team
- Mairin Duffy (mizmo) - Design team
- Hiemanshu Sharma (gwerra) - Websites team
- Stephen Smoogen (smooge) - Infrastructure team
- Jared Smith - FPL
- Stephen Smoogen - Interim Infrastructure team lead
- Marketing team
- Fedora Weekly News team
- Media (journalists, reporters, bloggers)
- Fedora community members
- Fedora users
- Documentation team
- General public
Phase 1
A working content management system at, with the following functionality:
- Authentication to FAS
- Group assignment through FAS
- Working theme as prepared by the Design team
- Publication procedure for Fedora Weekly News
- The ability to select items from configured RSS feeds to be promoted to publication and other tagging
Phase 2
The following additional functionality:
- Adding a built-in calendar system into Drupal where all Fedor's teams and projects can post their meetings. (it should look like this or this). (I can take care of packaging it when we will decide to deploy it on Insight, need to package following modules, Calendar and Date) (Andrea Veri)
- Ability to share access to the @fedora feed through a FAS group (fedora-socialmedia)
- The ability to publish and attach podcasts to a story
- Post announcements of podcast publication
- Handle multiple beats
- Handle arbitrary number of beats per issue
- Publish new issue to front page with issue summary
- Link issue to ToC for easier reading
- Provide issue as a combined single page
- May need Views module
- q.v.
- Add another content type here and what we want from it
- Determine all requirements
- Scope requirements into phases
- Determine whether platform meets requirements
- If not, select modules and package for drupal6 in EL-5 (with eye toward EL-6 too)
- Deploy test instance
- For each requirement in phase:
- Assign responsible contributor
- Document procedure for fulfillment on wiki
- Create appropriate facility in the platform
- Have appropriate stakeholders test and accept
- Test -> Stage
- Recreate facilities in staging instance
- Have stakeholders test for consistency and accept
- Stage -> Production