From Fedora Project Wiki
Day April 15 - May 15 2011
Date | Tasks | Description | Status | comments | Owner |
15-04-2011 | T 01 | Ambassadors Business card | printing | hope to finish in next week | Sureshkumar Packiyarajah |
30-04-2011 | T 02 | Ambassadors T-Shirt | waiting for FamSco | we will expected 30-04-2011 | Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera |
12:00 - 12:45 | C 14 | Perl in Fedora | Dual-lived modules, news from perl 5.12, ... | intermediate | Marcela Mašláňová |
14:00 - 14:45 | C 14 | Going the open source way | We went from proprietary code to open source with Spacewalk project two years ago. Lessons we learned. | beginner | Miroslav Suchy |
15:00 - 15:45 | C 14 | Fedora Management and Configuration Interface | DBus based configuration interface, next-gen system config tools | intermediate | Jaroslav Reznik |
16:00 - 16:45 | C 14 | How to live with SELinux | what is SELinux, how does it works, how to implement the predefined policies and how to create custom policies? | intermediate | Bert Desmet |
17:00 - 17:45 | C 14 | Introduction to Inkscape and Gimp | You know you've always wanted to figure out what the heck you are doing when you load up Inkscape and Gimp. Learn how here. We'll walk through some sample projects including pony extrusion and lolcat creation. | beginner (useful to users and developers) | Máirín Duffy |