My name is Adam Drew. I am a technical support engineer at Red Hat. I am also a musician and I write, record, and produce music with all FOSS tools.
You can listen to my music here. I license my music creative commons and I love to collaborate with folks. I love to hear from people about music so if you liked my music or want to use it for something please feel free to contact me!
I maintain a FOSS Audio knowledge base where I try to document problems that I've encountered in hopes that they will help other people later.
I'm interested in music production, digital painting, graphic design, and writing. I also love to code in a whole bunch of different languages. I also love storage and clustering and am especially interested-in and involved-with GFS2 and linux-cluster.
I can be reached at adam [at] linkedlistcorruption [dot] com and am zylogz80 on Freenode and various forums 7 social networks.