{{{REAL-NAME}}} | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | 22/10/1994 |
Birthplace: | Kosovo |
Home: | Prishtina, Kosovo |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | gent |
Fedora-Mail: | gent@fedoraproject.org |
Fedorapeople: | http://gent.fedorapeople.org |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | gentthaqi@gmail.com |
GPG-Key: | 4418123C |
Homepage: | gentt.wordpress.com |
Twitter: | GentThaci |
Identi.ca: | gent |
Jabber: | gentthaqi@gmail.com |
IRC: | gentt on Freenode in #fedora-ambassadors,#flossk (and others) |
Hi, I'm Altin Ukshini, I am 16 years old and I live in Prishtina, Kosovo. I'm a Free Libre Open Source Software GNU/Linux Activist since 2009. I am a High School student at Don Bosco Technical Lyceum here in Prishtina.
My first experience with GNU/Linux operating system was in 2009 when I became a Member of FLOSSK FLOSSK, and I'm one of the organizers of Software Freedom Kosova an annual F/LOSS Conference, despite these I've been working hard these years promoting, developing and translating Free Software.
Since then I started to be more interested in Free Software, and heard allot about fedora and its community. I installed the distribution of Fedora like 3 months ago and it's really fitting me.
- Email: altin [DOT] ukshini [AT] gmail [DOT] com
- Language: Albanian, English
- Location: Prishtina, Kosovo
- Time zone: UTC +01:00 / UTC +02:00
- Website: Blog
- IRC: altin on freenode: fedora,fedora-ambassadors,flossk
- Fedora Account: altin
Activities within Fedora
- Contributor