From Fedora Project Wiki
Cloud SIG BoxGrinder Build Fedora Test Day
BoxGrinder Build

Date 2011-04-28
Time all day

Website BoxGrinder
IRC #fedora-test-day (webirc)
Mailing list cloud

Can't make the date?
If you come to this page before or after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find at Bugzilla, and add your results to the results section. If this page is more than a month old when you arrive here, please check the current schedule and see if a similar but more recent Test Day is planned or has already happened.

What to test?

Today's instalment of Fedora Test Day will focus on BoxGrinder Build

New to BoxGrinder?

Don't worry. Please read this README or scan our BoxGrinder homepage. If something is still unclear, don't hesitate to ask us on IRC.

Who's available

The following cast of characters will be available testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion ...

Prerequisite for Test Day

  • Free time
  • An updated Fedora 15 pre-release
  • Your hardware profile uploaded to Smolt according to these instructions
  • At least 15GB of free space available on a storage device (or more, depending on your later definition choices)
  • Internet connectivity for the test machines (or an active local YUM repository mirror)
  • Standard Fedora repositories must be available
  • Some virtualization software such as KVM, VirtualBox OSE or VMware Player for local tests
  • For the cloud-based tests you should have access to the corresponding cloud provider (e.g. Amazon AWS, CloudFront).

Several GB of space may be required transiently during the build process, in addition to storage of appliances produced and caching. Any mountable storage with Read/Write access should be suitable (e.g. HDD, USB flash drive, eSATA disk).

Those with very slow Internet connections, or small bandwidth allowances
Be aware that you may transfer several GB of files in the course of testing.
You may not be able to perform every Test Case, but please do those that you can
Some of the Test Cases require the availability of cloud services such as Amazon's AWS that you may not have access to. However, please complete those you can, many of the important cases still possible!

How to test?

Test Day Virtual Image

User your system where possible
Although we have Test Day Meta-Appliance but it seems that it has some known issues preventing you from executing the test cases. You can always download stable meta appliance based on Fedora 14.

Optionally, a pre-prepared BoxGrinder Virtual Images are available in multiple formats for your architecture.

Update your machine to Fedora 15

If you are already running or want to try the pre-release of Fedora 15, install Fedora 15 Beta and then update to the latest packages.

Prepare your environment

If you're testing with the BoxGrinder Test Day Meta-Appliance, then everything is already prepared for you. Otherwise, it is a matter of a few simple steps to prepare your environment.

Install BoxGrinder Build

For Fedora 15

yum localinstall ./rubygem-boxgrinder-*

For Fedora 13/14

yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing rubygem-boxgrinder-core rubygem-boxgrinder-build

Install other tools

yum install git createrepo

Grab test appliances

git clone
cd boxgrinder-appliances

Test Cases

Known issues
We have a list of known issues that have shown up while releasing version 0.9.1.
Ignore any GNOME mount errors
GNOME attempts to mount the loop devices BoxGrinder creates, and fails. This is not a problem, just a minor annoyance.

Local Test Cases

These test cases require no access to cloud providers to perform.








Cloud Test Cases

An account with a cloud provider is needed to enact the following test-cases

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_platform_ec2 No AWS account needed

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_s3 Amazon AWS

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_ami Amazon AWS

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_ebs Amazon AWS

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_cloudfront Amazon AWS CloudFront

QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_elastichosts ElasticHosts API compatible hosts

Test Results

If you have problems with any of the tests, report a bug to JIRA or Bugzilla, although we prefer JIRA. After submitting a ticket, attach the relevant data from log file log/boxgrinder.log.

Use 'testday' label
Please mark the issues with testday label in JIRA. This makes it easier to categorize submitted bug reports.

Need help?

If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report or what other information to include, just ask on IRC and we will help you. Once you have completed the tests, add your results to the Results table below, following the example results from the first line as a template. The first column should be your name with a link to your User page in the Wiki if you have one, and the second should be a link to the Smolt profile of the system you tested. For each test case, use the result template to enter your result, as shown in the example result line.

User Smolt Profile JEOS Modular vmware virtualbox local sftp xarch ec2 s3 ami ebs cloudfront elastichosts References
Sample User HW
Pass pass
Pass pass
Warning warn
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
  1. Test pass, but also encountered Bug #12345
  2. Bug #56789
  3. Example, this time a BugZilla ticket RHBZ #1234567
gospo Meta-appliance [1]
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Fully updated f15 and boxgrinder-build update to 0.9.1
  2. With boxgrinder-build 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
  3. S3 coherency leaves a bit to be desired, but it you wait the image shows up
verdurin TBA
Pass pass
Fail fail
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
  1. Found bug
  2. fixed by commenting line 13 of boxgrinder-appliances/testing-appliances/modular-appls/_test_base.appl
Tim Flink TBA
Pass pass
ktofte HW
Pass pass
Warning warn
  1. Yum couldn't find the repositories, but the networking worked fine otherwise. I've had similar trouble with Yum before anyway.