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Revision as of 15:08, 24 May 2011 by Goldmann (talk | contribs)
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What it is?

Below you can see JBoss AS 7 dependency tree. This shows recursively almost all dependencies of JBoss AS 7.

How can I read this?

This is a normal tree. Lines starting with "|" - aren't packaged in Fedora, lines starting with "!!" are most probably in Fedora. After dependency name there are possible implementations listed which may or may not be the actual implementation.

This script is not very accurate
Yes, that's true, this gives you only an overview of the whole world. For example; where there is a foo-impl.jar and foo-api.jar dependency and in Fedora is foo.rpm containing both deps - this script will not find them.

How it was generated?

This is the output of following command:

ruby poms.rb jboss-as-parent 7.0.0.Beta3 2> /dev/null

Where specified Ruby script can be downloaded from here. Feel free to fork and improve it!

On STDERR you'll have some useful logs for debugging why retrieving the artifact failed.

JBoss AS 7 dependency tree

To see the dependency tree see this gist.