About Me

Hi World!... My name is Andrés. I've borned and lived in Panama City, Panama for almost 30 years now.
I've been working in IT related stuff since 10 years ago. I started using linux a few years ago when I was looking for a free os to run on my old desktop PC.
A friend of mine introduced me to Fedora at the university and I felt in love after the Fudcon here at my country.
I think that Fedora is one of the best distributions not only by the OS, but also by the community that is behind it and from now on i'm a proudly member.
How to contact me?
- Personal Email: andyraza@gmail.com
- Location: Panama, Rep of Panama
- Language: Spanish, English.
- Fedora Account: Andyraza
- IRC Account: AnDy_RAZA