Relevant links:
What are supplemental wallpapers?
Supplemental wallpapers are the non-default wallpapers provided with Fedora. Usually Fedora ships GNOME upstream supplemental wallpapers. We try to collect a set for each release of Fedora and offer it as an option package. Wallpaper shipped with Fedora that is not the default wallpaper is called 'supplemental' wallpaper.
How do I manage the supplemental wallpaper process?
The supplemental wallpaper wrangler oversees the supplemental wallpaper process, and is a duty that can rotate every release given the interest of the current maintainer.
The responsibilities of the supplemental wallpaper wrangler include:
- Setting a deadline for the wallpaper submissions which will be posted on the current Supplemental Wallpapers page.
- Announcing the supplemental wallpapers process. When advertising this note that supplemental wallpapers should be photography-based. Where to advertise?:
- Blogs
- (Instructions on adding your blog to Planet Fedora)
- Design Team Mailing List
- Micro-blogs
- (#fedora)
- twitter (@fedora)
- deviant art
- Add your own here.
- Please feel free to use the templates below!
- Blogs
- Monitor the submissions on the wiki. Post follow-up announcements as needed to solicit more submissions
- After the deadline has passed, moderate a discussion on design-team mailing list to narrow it down to (? 15 or so) wallpapers.
- Contact the winning artists, get their okay, confirm the license on each image.
- Work with a packager to have the wallpapers packaged.
- Announce selected wallpapers on and update the wiki page to show the winners.
Information we collect from wallpaper submissions
Wallpaper submissions without this information cannot be accepted:
- URL of Image File The URL of the image (for example,
- Title The name/title of the image (for example, "The One and Only East")
- Author The author's real-life name (if possible, if not their handle/nick or a link to their profile on the site the photo is found may be sufficient) Note we need this information for the author, not the submitter.
- Author Email or Contact Information The author's email address
- URL of Image site The URL the photo was found on (e.g., the Flickr page URL, or the blog post URL, etc.)
- License The license of the photo (we can only accept the following licenses: