From Fedora Project Wiki

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What are supplemental wallpapers?

Supplemental wallpapers are the non-default wallpapers provided with Fedora. Usually Fedora ships GNOME upstream supplemental wallpapers. We try to collect a set for each release of Fedora and offer it as an option package. Wallpaper shipped with Fedora that is not the default wallpaper is called 'supplemental' wallpaper.

How do I manage the supplemental wallpaper process?

The supplemental wallpaper wrangler oversees the supplemental wallpaper process, and is a duty that can rotate every release given the interest of the current maintainer.

The responsibilities of the supplemental wallpaper wrangler include:

  1. Setting a deadline for the wallpaper submissions which will be posted on the current Supplemental Wallpapers page.
  2. Announcing the supplemental wallpapers process. When advertising this note that supplemental wallpapers should be photography-based. Where to advertise?:
  3. Monitor the submissions on the wiki. Post follow-up announcements as needed to solicit more submissions
  4. After the deadline has passed, moderate a discussion on design-team mailing list to narrow it down to (? 15 or so) wallpapers.
  5. Contact the winning artists, get their okay, confirm the license on each image.
  6. Work with a packager to have the wallpapers packaged.
  7. Announce selected wallpapers on and update the wiki page to show the winners.

Information we collect from wallpaper submissions

Wallpaper submissions without this information cannot be accepted:

  1. URL of Image File The URL of the image (for example,
  2. Title The name/title of the image (for example, "The One and Only East")
  3. Author The author's real-life name (if possible, if not their handle/nick or a link to their profile on the site the photo is found may be sufficient) Note we need this information for the author, not the submitter.
  4. Author Email or Contact Information The author's email address
  5. URL of Image site The URL the photo was found on (e.g., the Flickr page URL, or the blog post URL, etc.)
  6. License The license of the photo (we can only accept the following licenses:
