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Fedora Weekly News Issue 280

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 280[1] for the two weeks ending July 6, 2011. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

With no announcements from the Fedora Project this past week, we begin with two Fedora In the News articles in German, both reviews of Fedora 15. In Ambassador news, we welcome new Fedora Ambassadors from Nigeria and Hungary, a summary of list discussion from the Ambassadors list, and pointers to Fedora events organized by Ambassadors worldwide. In Quality Assurance news, details on how to request a main test day for Fedora 16, moving forward with a Fedora Cloud spin, work on test cases for brtfs, and much more. Security Advisories brings us current with the security-related packages released in the two weeks ending July 6, and we finish off this issue with a triumphant return of the Fedora Planet beat! Enjoy FWN 280!

An audio version of some issues of FWN - FAWN - are available! You can listen to existing issues[2] on the Internet Archive. If anyone is interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact us!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback:

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

Fedora In the News

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

German: FreiesMagazin on Fedora 15

Vinzenz Vietzke forwarded[1]:

"Hi all,

German free online magazine "FreiesMagazin" published it's issue for July 2011 today and has a huge roundup article on Fedora 15.

HTML version with pictures (2,8MB):

HTML version without pictures (200KB):

PDF version (3,1MB):

Regards, vinz. -- Vinzenz Vietzke Fedora Ambassador / Coordination German L10N Team m: vinz at wk: mb:"

German: Linux-Magazin on Fedora 15

Christoph Wickert forwarded[1]:

"Issue 08/2011 of the German "Linux Magazin" comes with a custom-built Fedora 15 Multiboot DVD and features a one page article about the release:

'Die Fedora-Version 15 lebt vom Umstieg auf Gnome 3, der gewöhnungsbedürftig ist. Tastenkürzel, unter Systemeinstellungen Tastatur zu finden und selbst anlegbar, sind andererseits beim Anfreunden hilfreich und machen – einmal gelernt – die Bedienung des Desktops oft erfrischend einfach. Für den Sprung ins kalte Wasser, den Systemd noch eine Spur waghalsiger macht, wirkt Fedora 15 gelungen, der aktuelle Paketbestand tut dazu ein Übriges."

The full post is available[2].


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Editor: Richard A Vijay For days of the week starting from 25th June 2011 to 05th July 2011 [2]

Welcome New Ambassadors

This week the Fedora Ambassadors Project had a couple of new members joining.

Each and everyone of us in Fedora Community is happy to have you as part of our Ambassadors team. We wish you very best in your endeavours. from Nigeria mentored by Robert Scheck from Hungary mentored by Robert Scheck

Congrats and Wishes to all New members from Fedora Team.

Note: Please Note, this warm welcome message is on behalf of every Fedora Member. Discourage individual welcome messages to the list as we have to reduce large traffic.

Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list


Gerard Braad Regional Mentor for APAC/China is planning to start conversation with GNOME to get them involved to foster community and open source.

Gerard and Joerg Simon highlighted that Users are encouraged by highlighting U in FUDCon is for users and its not just for developers.

Rahul Sundram highlights on his views on a mail covering various aspects on FUDCon [1]

Buddhika Kurera enquired about VISA and duration Tiansworld pointed out to [2]

Caius 'kaio' Chance highlighted on his views of comparison in country level readiness for holding FUDCon [3]

Truong Anh Tuan and others appreciated the transparency of the process [4]

Max Spevack highlighted on budget comparison for APAC,NA,EMES and LATAM [5]

Most of the active contributors expressed their views on FUDCon APAC

David ramsey Prepared the community for 2nd July Bi-weekly meeting on 2nd July, draft agenda was proposed and published. Meeting notes were published [6]

bochecha prepared the community for French Fedora meeting on 4th july. [7]

FAmSCo regular weekly meeting agenda and minutes were shared by Pierros Papadeas


FAmSCo meeting minutes for Jun 25, 2011 shared by Gerard Braad [9]

Harish Pillay highlighted on FAD for China Open Source week in October [10]

Neville invited the community to FAMSCo meeting,highlighted that its open to public [11] He also highlights on Release Events,budgets and Dinner. He thanked the teams for working hard for a smooth event [12]

Jamie Williams sent out a gentle reminder for FAmNA meeting on 5th July 2011

Igor Pires Soares posted the links for bid India bid: [13]

China bid: [14]

Gerard Braad,Buddhika Kurera,Tiansworld,Rahul Sundaram,María Leandro,Truong Anh. Tuan,Danishka Navin,Neville A. Cross,inode0,Jared K. Smith,Robyn Bergeron,Jared K. Smith, susmit shannigrahi,Aditya Patawari wrote to express their views and queries on the bids

Joerg Simon posted and highlighted on Panama FUDCon Event with a google spreadsheet [15] Members posted their views and queries on it.

Startup Weekend Tampa Event was discussed and right channels suggested [16]

Vinzenz Vietzke requested for feedback on materials used for Events (especially those produced by from Design team) [17]

Christoph posted agend for EMEA Ambassadors meeting



Minutes (text): [19]

Log: [20]

-- Generic issue on Linkedin was highlighted [21]

LinuxCon Europe and other events were highlighted by Jiri Eischmann, Robyn Bergeron,Igor Pires Soares,Jiri Eischmann, [22]

Events reported on Ambassadors mailing list

Joerg Simon posted and highlighted on Panama FUDCon Event with a google spreadsheet [23] Members posted their views and queries on it.

Startup Weekend Tampa Event was discussed and right channels suggested [24]

LinuxCon Europe and other events were highlighted by Jiri Eischmann, Robyn Bergeron,Igor Pires Soares,Jiri Eischmann, [25]

Discussions were on the following events

LinuxCon Europe 2011 - [26]

Linux Kernel Summit 2011 - [27]

Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2011 - [28]

GStreamer Conference 2011 - [29]

Real Time Linux Workshop 2011 - [30]

Campus Ambassadors mailing list-Summary of traffic

The mailing list did not have any traffic this week. [31]


Thank you.Have a great week ahead, and feel free to write to editor for any comments,inclusions or exclusions in next beat - Editor --Richardvj11 15:38, 05 July 2011 (UTC)Richardvj11


In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. For more information on the work of the QA team and how you can get involved, see the Joining page[2].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

The Fedora 15 Test Day track is now finished, and the main Fedora 16 Test Day track has not yet started. If you would like to propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 16 cycle, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA Trac[1]. Athmane Madjoudj has been working on a proposed EC2 Test Day[2].

Cloud image approval

At the QA group meeting of 2011-06-27[1], Robyn Bergeron emerged from a nutshell to bring up the topic of proposed pre-built Fedora images for Amazon's EC2 cloud platform[2]. These are being treated as new spins, and so they need QA approval (among other things). The group agreed to work with the Cloud SIG to draw up test procedures, and co-ordinate this through the cloud mailing list.

Test case development

John Dulaney and Rui He have been working on test cases for btrfs[1]. Rui has also been working on VNC install test cases[2].

New proposed release validation matrices

Athmane Madjoudj combined the security test cases he has been working on recently into a proposed validation matrix for the Security Lab spin[1] and asked the group for feedback on it[2]. Adam Williamson proposed a new validation matrix[3] for validation tests which do not fit under the existing 'install' or 'desktop' matrices, for now referring to it as 'base', and asked for feedback[4].

Ensuring consistency of validation tests and release criteria

Adam Williamson began a survey to check the consistency of the release validation tests and the release criteria, to ensure tests were present for every criterion[1]. Together with Rui He and Athmane Madjoudj, he created new test cases and adjusted existing ones to ensure consistency with the Alpha release criteria.

Making release criteria more generic

James Laska proposed several changes to the release criteria[1], intended to make them more generic and hence applicable to secondary architectures. Adam Williamson generally liked the proposal but made some comments and asked some questions about some of them[2].


The team was in the final run-up to the release of AutoQA 0.5.0, which would include the previously-discussed 'pretty output' and spam reduction patches. The release of 0.5.0 duly happened on 2011-06-29[1]. Lucas Rodrigues announced the release of Autotest 0.13.0[2], with packages available for testing in the autoqa-testing repository.

Security Advisories

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce for the period June 8- June 15, 2011.

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora 15 Security Advisories

Fedora 14 Security Advisories

Fedora 13 Security Advisories


Planet Fedora

Back after a long hiatus, this is the Planet Fedora section, covering news from[1], a collection of blogs from Fedora users spanning the globe.

Contributing Writer: Joel Braun


FrOSCon 2011

Up and coming is FrOSCon 2011, which will be held in Sankt Augustin, Germany on the 20th and 21st of next month. Sirko Kemter has announced that he will be holding two workshops in the Frog Labs (for kids) focusing on using Inkscape [1].

Fedora Community

Alejandro Perez blogged about the last training meeting for some new translators and packagers[2] who will, respectively, start packaging and translating for Fedora 16 and the wiki.

Cătălin Feştilă wrote on how the Fedora HCL for laptops was in need of revamping[3], and how it would be advantageous to the community to publish a current one.

Fabian Affolter reflected on his past experiences as an ambassador for the Fedora Project[4], and what he felt were his accomplishments in the past 5 years.


Juan "Nushio" Rodriguez expressed his concern[5] over the functionality of Gnome 3's fallback mode and the future of the Gnome shell in general.

Valent Turkovic shared an article [6] about how he helped to integrate Fedora (in this case, Fusion Linux) with Windows XP in his local public library.

Lennart Poettering added part II of his series systemd for Developers [7]. This installment focuses on “adding socket activation to real-life software”.

Shakthi Kannan wrote about [8]attending the 'Essential Abstractions in GCC' workshop at IIT Bombay and detailed his experience there.

The BoxGrinder Team blogged[9] on their attempts to stability test BoxGrinder, as well as the process they went through to set up their integration tests.