Fedora Events: Free Software Conference at Open Source Lab of Szeged, Hungary
The Free Software Conference (Hungarian: Szabad Szoftver Konferencia) is an one day event, celebrated after one month the world's Software Freedom Day at Szeged's IT Center - with a broad scope at users, beginners, developers, administrators and companies. It features huge amount of talks, presentations and workshops as well.
When and Where
- The event date: 23. Sept. 2011
- The event will be held from 9 AM till cca. 7 PM.
- Opening ceremony is at approx. 9:15 AM.
- OSOL Lab - Educational and IT Center of Szeged.
- Address: Ady square 10., 6722 Szeged [1]
- It is confirmed that we could have free parking slot under the IT Center.
Booth Personal
- Zoltan Hoppar - Event Owner
- Hopefully all the HU ambassadors are coming to this event
We need:
- Space
- 2 meter short table
- 2 chairs
- Electricity
- Fully equipped and prepared talk rooms (Projector, and so on)
- Stand Up Roller + the usual SWAG
- Catering: Possibly will be included freely for talkers (Thanks to ULX, local hungarian JBOSS distributor)
Our Talks
- Calling for papers has started
- Our talks are submitted, but awaiting more
- We have 20 minutes slots, so choose wisely the theme - time runs out quickly. English is not a blocker, but hungarian is the preferred. But if you plan to make an talk else as hungarian, do it in english.
Free Software Conference - OSOL Szeged Official Poster [2]
- Preparation ongoing
- Slots are not yet confirmed: all submissions can be change and re-scheduled.
- You have register yourself if you would like to attend, or to be a talker - the event owner gladly help you to fill this gap. End of registering is Sept. 4.
- With this, they are trying to reduce time loss with eg. screen setup, and keep talks flow as written.
Look for us if you are in Hungary, near to Szeged!
- Last year at 2010 was an great success, we also visited the famous Computer Museum too. If we can do it, we'll visit once more at next day morning.