This test-case is to check ibus with gnome-shell which is available f16 or later.
How to test
Currently you need to install ibus-gnome3 with 'yum install ibus-gnome3' by manual.
gnome-shell requires a physical graphics card which supports 3D acceleration.
If you run a classic GNOME with compiz-gnome, you could enable gnome-shell with 'gnome-shell --replace'. Also you could go back to metacity with 'metacity --replace'.
For F16 (gnome-shell 3.1.91 or later), gsettings is needed to enable ibus
% rpm -q ibus ibus-gnome3 ibus- ibus-gnome3- % gsettings get enabled-extensions [] % gsettings set enabled-extensions "['']" % gsettings get enabled-extensions [''] % gnome-shell --replace
- General test:
- Focus on a text application (e.g. gedit or gnome-terminal) and type the ibus trigger key (e.g. Control + Space) several times.
- IBus settings:
- Click on ibus status icon and choose "Preferences" menu item.
- Keymap settings:
- Click on ibus status icon and choose "Keyboard configuration" menu item.
- Lookup window test:
- Focus on a text application and type an ibus trigger key (e.g. Control + Space) and type a char and Space key sevaral time to show the ibus lookup window.
Expected Results
- General test: ibus status icon shows language characters (e.g. 'us') for the keymap engines and IM symbol characters (e.g. 'あ') for IM engines (e.g. ibus-anthy).
- IBus settings: ibus-setup is launched.
- Keymap settings: 'gnome-control-panel region' is launched.
- Lookup window test: clutter based lookup window is shown.