Hernán Ignacio Vivani
My name is Hernán Ignacio Vivani, from Mar del Plata, Argentina.
About Me
- Born 1975
- Red Hat System Administrator
- My Linkedin Profile
- Email: hernan at vivani.com.ar
- IRC: hvivani on #fedora-admin #fedora.ar (freenode)
- Lenguage: English, Spanish
- Fedora Account: hvivani
- Personal Web page: [1]
- Skype: hernan.vivani
- Twitter:hvivani
Activities within Fedora
I'm fedora-admin contributor at free time. Free Software and Fedora evangelist.
Postres Balcarce S.A. was one of the first private companies in Argentina in migrating all of its IT structure to Linux. Not only the servers, but also all the desktop users migrated to Linux Fedora. We where called by the CISL2011 to give a conference of our case of study. Postres Balcarce en la CISL2011