About me
I'm degree in Computer Science at the Faculdade Pitágoras, a graduate student in Engineering Systems - ESAB, I'm currently working as an IT Analyst in College. I am also doing the course in Forensic Computing Skill NIDS Forensics. I know the Fedora version 9 since most just started working with it in version 11. I want to contribute to the community through participation in events, organize events, translation and marketing..
Nome: Douglas Gonçalves Bahr
Google Talk:
FAS: douglasbahr
Idiomas: Português e Inglês
Localização: Teixeira de Freitas , Brazil
Formação: Formado em Ciência da Computação na Faculdade Pitágoras - Unidade Teixeira de Freitas e Pós-graduando em Engenharia de Sistemas na ESAB
Twitter: http://twitter.com/douglasbahr
Blog: http://douglasbahr.blogspot.com
Email: douglas.bahr@msn.com