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Revision as of 21:10, 31 January 2012 by Tatica (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''General Page:''' Log in/out calendar view Filters based on location Filters based on team (or interest) List by events/meetings/schedules List by team/location '''User page:'...")
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General Page: Log in/out calendar view Filters based on location Filters based on team (or interest) List by events/meetings/schedules List by team/location

User page: Personal Calendar Options to change between calendar lenght (daily, weekly, monthly) Filters based on location Filters based on team (or interest) Calendar Scroll by month (not bigger views) (maybe add a smaller next-prev month on a side) Match with -FAS?- to allow users add entries OR send a form to leader with notes. Checkbox for groups selection

Date view: timeline showing where you are (maybe a red line on a particular hour?) Items on time

General Data: How to insert data? (manual, rss from some amazing rbergeron .ics? rss from wiki?) Auto update against -something- Milestone .ics or something for general schedules by topic/team/task/user Check for duplicated Integrate with some webchat for calendar dates? or just a link with info? General priority

Event/meeting/schedule page: Bio data Link to wiki Owner

Form: Bio (retrieved from FAS? or wiki link?) schedule/event/meeting to change everytime a change is made, should send a mail

Later: Sync zodbot with a meeting schedule, so he automaticaly start a meeting. FAS integration to determine which team you are in