From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:08, 4 February 2012 by Thunderbirdtr (talk | contribs) (→‎Video Categories: Added More Categories)

Guidelines First draft, Feel free to contribute :)

Creating Videos - Guidelines

  • Videos must be recorded on Fedora (any release)
  • must be recorded using only FOSS tools
  • Videos must be edited using only FOSS tools
  • Videos must not have inapropiated language or content, and not attack other distros (Play well with others)
  • Videos can have screencasting, podcasting or any way that help represent Fedora

Sending your videos - Guidelines

  • Send only FOSS video formats
  • Quality must be between XX and XX
  • You must add the following info on your mail or link when sending a video:
    • Full Name and Nick (Wiki profile is a plus)
    • Country
    • Video profile (youtube, vimeo, etc)
    • Other social network links that might be useful
    • Tools used to record and produce this video
    • Download and preview link (last one not needed)
  • Indicate your video category from:
  • Video Licence must be CC friendly.

Video Categories

  • Content
  • Office and Productivity
    • LibreOffice Suite
    • VIM/VI
    • Nano
    • Emacs
  • Design
    • Gimp
    • Scribus
    • Inkscape
    • Blender
  • Multimedia Applications
  • Internet applications
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Xchat
    • Empathy
    • Evolution
  • Human Resources
    • Join Fedora
    • Ask Fedora
  • Development
    • Development tools
    • Virtualization
    • Programming Language
  • Translation
  • Web Development and Administration
    • Apache
    • Drupal
    • MySQL
    • PHP
    • VNC Server
    • Redhat Cluster Suite
  • Desktop Environment
    • Gnome Deskop
    • KDE Desktop
    • XFCE Desktop
    • LXDE Desktop
  • First Approach
    • Installation
    • Desktop overview
    • Installing Software
    • Photo management
  • Fedora SPINS
    • Games
    • Security
    • Electronic Lab
    • Robotics
    • SoaS
    • Scientific-KDE
  • Content
    • Fedora Documentation
  • System and X-Red-hat-base
    • Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
    • Selinux Troubleshooter

Team Tasks

  • Create Videos following the guidelines and interest of the community
  • Check that the branding is being used correctly and provide recomendations
  • Motivate people to send us their videos and link Fedora-Videos on their content
  • come up with a script for branding, such as the opening title, translations, etc
  • Check appropiated licences for media
  • video sources MUST be availables (for Fedora people and not f-people)
  • double check for videos content (license, model release agreement)