From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 12:20, 6 February 2012 by Shaiton (talk | contribs) (typo, its caps GNOME but small Xfce… thx.)

Guidelines First draft, Feel free to contribute :)

Creating Videos - Guidelines

  • Videos must be recorded on Fedora (any release)
  • must be recorded using only FOSS tools
  • Videos must be edited using only FOSS tools
  • Videos must not have inapropiated language or content, and not attack other distros (Play well with others)
  • Videos can have screencasting, podcasting or any way that help represent Fedora

Sending your videos - Guidelines

  • Send only in not proprietary video formats
  • Quality must be between XX and XX
  • You must add the following info on your mail or link when sending a video:

(submitting videos to the trac)

    • Full Name and Nick (Wiki profile is a plus)
    • Country
    • Video profile (youtube, vimeo, etc)
    • Other social network links that might be useful
    • Tools used to record and produce this video
    • Download and preview link (last one not needed)
  • Indicate your video category from:
  • Video Licence must be CC friendly.

Video Categories

  • Content
  • Office and Productivity
    • LibreOffice Suite
    • VIM/VI
    • Nano
    • Emacs
  • Design
    • Gimp
    • Scribus
    • Inkscape
    • Blender
  • Multimedia Applications
  • Internet applications
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Xchat
    • Empathy
    • Evolution
  • Human Resources
    • Join Fedora
    • Ask Fedora
  • Development
    • Development tools
    • Virtualization
    • Programming Language
  • Translation
  • Web Development and Administration
    • Apache
    • Drupal
    • MySQL
    • PHP
    • VNC Server
    • Redhat Cluster Suite
  • Desktop Environment
    • GNOME Deskop
    • KDE Desktop
    • Xfce Desktop
    • LXDE Desktop
  • First Approach
    • Installation
    • Desktop overview
    • Installing Software
    • Photo management
  • Fedora SPINS
    • Games
    • Security
    • Electronic Lab
    • Robotics
    • SoaS
    • Scientific-KDE
  • Content
    • Fedora Documentation
  • System and X-Red-hat-base
    • Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
    • Selinux Troubleshooter
    • Yubikey Authorization

Team Tasks

  • Create Videos following the guidelines and interest of the community
  • Check that the branding is being used correctly and provide recomendations
  • Motivate people to send us their videos and link Fedora-Videos on their content
  • come up with a script for branding, such as the opening title, translations, etc
  • Check appropiated licences for media
  • video sources MUST be availables (for Fedora people and not f-people)
  • double check for videos content (license, model release agreement)

Process of Submitting Videos

  • Make sure that the above guidelines are met.
  • Open a ticket at the trac for the video submissions.
  • Include all the required details which are mentioned above in the ticket.
  • Post about the submission with the ticket number to the mailing list.
  • Members of the team will review the submission and add the link to the wiki.

Submission Check-list for team members

  1. License is CC friendly
  2. Video format is acceptable
  3. Recorded on Fedora operating system
  4. Content is appropriated
  5. Comment on the trac ticket
  6. Add the link to the wiki page if it satisfies above requirements

Team Requirements

  • Trac ticketing instance
  • Mailing list for discussions