Setup required for the Nova services.
Follow QA:Testcase_install_OpenStack_packages.
How to test
Create a nova-volumes Volume Group for the openstack-nova-volume service
$> sudo truncate -s20G /var/lib/nova/nova-volumes.img $> sudo vgcreate nova-volumes $(sudo losetup --show -f /var/lib/nova/nova-volumes.img)
If you are testing OpenStack in a virtual machine, you need to configure nova to use qemu without KVM and hardware virtualization:
$> openstack-config-set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT libvirt_type qemu
Install MySQL and Setup the nova database:
$> sudo openstack-nova-db-setup
Expected Results
Check that no errors are reported. Note inconsequential deprecation errors may be reported from openstack-nova-db-setup