I pacchetti Fedora sono mantenuti collettivamente da una comunità i cui membri sono sia volontari che appartenenti a RedHat.
Ruoli collaborazione
Altri collegamenti utili per i manutentori dei pacchetti
- Package Review Process - Descrive il formale processo di revisione (sia per collaboratori che per revisori)
- Packaging SIGs - Gruppi informali di pacchettizzatori che lavorano in una specifica area della distribuzione
- EPEL - Ricostruzione dei pacchetti Fedora per RHEL o derivate compatibili
Comitato per il Packaging
Il Comitato per il Packaging gestisce i ruoli e lelinee guida per la pacchettizzazione software in Fedora. Le più importanti sono:
Linee guida pacchettizzazione | Linee guida licenze | Linee guida su come nominare i pacchetti | Linee guida Dist Tag | Linee guida revisione pacchetti | Ricette per RPM postscript
Further reading
- How to create an RPM package - start here if you don't know how to create an RPM package
- Maximum RPM Book - most detailed, but slightly obsolete
- A short tutorial - for those of us with shorter attention spans, preferring less detail
- RPM Guide - an in-depth guide to RPM
- Building Packages Guide - Work through these examples, you'll learn a lot.
- How to create a GNU Hello RPM package - A quick How-To about getting started with package building.
- Package Update Policy - Policy for when to push updates to packages and when not to.
Resources for Fedora Package Collection contributors
- SIGs - Fedora Special Interest Groups
- Fedora package components in bugzilla
- koji - Fedora Package Build System / Secure connection with Fedora User Cert
- Fedora Package Database
- bodhi - Fedora Package Update System
- RPM Repository Admin requests - Repository and CVS status pages for requesting manual copies and removals of packages
- Vacation Notice - Add a vacation note if you are going to be unavailable for a few days.
- Test Machines - Contributed servers for test, mock build, compile or debug packages before submitting to koji
- Fedorapeople_Repos - A place to host various personal repos
Important Mailing Lists
- devel-announce is a low traffic, announcements only, list, where important development information is posted.
- devel is a high traffic mailing list, where discussions about the development of Fedora are held.
- package-announce is a very high traffic mailing list, where notifications are given for all the commits in any package in the Fedora repository. Note that the Fedora package database sends commit mails for packages you (co-)maintain.
- packaging is the mailing list of the Fedora Packaging Committee, who determine the official packaging guidelines for Fedora projects.
Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo)
Fedora technical management is organized by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo).
- FESCo Members | FESCo's current schedule | Summaries from the past FESCo meetings
- Ideas Container to collect long term ideas (feel free to add things here!)
This category currently contains no pages or media.