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Revision as of 04:07, 27 May 2008 by Tw2113 (talk | contribs)
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FC6Theme Modifications

Post comments for Fedora Core 6 theme modification here.

Overall comments:

  • Needs to be lighter



to fix:

  • Appears too dark on various moinitors...make lighter (and friendlier?)

DianaFong: modified background posted Sept. 11

Screen 1: Anaconda Prompt Screen



Screen 2: Anaconda Header and Title

two pieces...anaconda_header + anaconda_title


to fix:

  • "Fedora" text is Anaconda image has a 3D blend while the rest of them don't

Screen 3: GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader)



Screen 4: RHGB (Red Hat Graphical Boot)

two pieces...system-logo (logo appearing at the bottom right) + rhgb-closed (graphic appearing in the center when not in full text mode)


to fix:

  • blue progress bar in RHGB doesnt match the rest of the blue in the image.

DianaFong: will redo rhgb-closed

Screen 5: Anaconda Installation Wizard

left side graphics


Screen 6: GDM (Gnome Display Manager)

aka login screen


to fix:

  • If you enter a wrong password on the GDM, the message is misaligned too far to the left.
  • "password" text zone is plain too small for some translations (they're not all as concise as english)

DianaFong: will fix

GNOME Splash Screen

extension-splash...currently turned off by default but should provide graphic


KDE Splash Screen

Specifications:  ??

GNOME Screensaver Lock Dialog

Using generic in FC6 release