From Fedora Project Wiki
Fosscomm 2011
When and Where
5-6 May 2012, Serrai, Greece
Fosscomm 2012 site (mostly in Greek)
Proposed Talks and WorkShops
You can propose a talk or a workshop till 29/3 where we are going to discuss and accept the talks/workshops on our community meeting.
Name | Description | Type (talk/workshop) | Owner |
Example: Fedora in education | A presentation related on how fedora can apply in high-school | Talk | Christos Bacharakis |
Items to Bring
- Demo laptops
- Laptop / EEEpc 900 (bach)
- OLPC (??)
- Swag
- LiveCDs
- Stickers
- t-shirts (?? print some as last year?)
- Flyers
- Support Flyers
- Translation Flyers
- A4 3-folded flyers
- 606 buttons ??
- Infinity-Freedom-Voice A4/A3-sized Posters (bach)
Booth Personnel
Name | Booth setup | Saturday | Sunday | Clean-up | Comments |
Christos Bacharakis | X | X | X | X |
- ChristosBacharakis (bach)