'Adrian Alves'
About me
I'm from Capital Federal, Buenos Aires - Argentina. GEEK fan of Linux and Gnome, I've been involved in the Linux world since 1996. Am a Open Source Lover!! RPM DEVELOPER since 2007, I love to build pkgs for apps. And now fedora developer and ambassador for Argentina :-)
I want to gave special thanks to the guys who helped me in this process Daniel Bruno <danielbrunos@fedoraproject.org> my fedora mentor, Mohammed King <mking@eapps.com> my always manager who introduce me and teach me everything about RPM's and my friend Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com> best RPM developer ever or as I call him RPMguy! and another friend to mention the last one an not less important is Rik Van Riel <surriel@gmail.com> from my point of view he is the kernel guy!
An of course all my Argentinian mates from linux.org.ar cafelug.org.ar and usla.org.ar and special mention to "la barra del huelque" composed by SAE, Dax, Pablom, El Pelado and Borg
- E-mail: alvesadrian@fedoraproject.org
- IRC: alvesadrian @ irc.freenode.net - #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-latam, #fedora-latam-rpmdev, #fedora-admin, #fedora-devel, #fedora-es
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/alvesadrian
- LinkedIn: http://ar.linkedin.com/in/adrianalves
Fedora Projects Involved
Packages maintained
Packages that I'm working on it
You will find my pkgs here: http://alvesadrian.fedorapeople.org/
- Encuentro http://encuentro.taniquetil.com.ar thanks to facundo batista! Pkg done ready to be pushed into fedora
- Jupiter http://www.jupiterapplet.org Pkg done ready to be pushed into fedora and I built an EL6 rpm too
- DrPython http://drpython.sourceforge.net Python IDE. Pkg done ready to be pushed into fedora and I built an EL6 rpm too
- Beaver http://beaver-editor.sourceforge.net Python IDE. Pkg done ready to be pushed into fedora and I built an EL6 rpm too
- Node.js http://nodejs.org/ JavaScript fast build framework. Pkg done ready to be pushed into fedora and I built an EL6 rpm too