This page generated automatically using update-blocker-wiki.

Approved Blockers
The following list of bugs are approved blockers that must be resolved. There are 0 bugs affecting 0 components.
Proposed Blockers
The following list of bugs are not yet approved to block the release. There are 0 bugs affecting 0 components. For guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to QA:SOP_blocker_bug_process.
The following list of of bugs are approved nice-to-have. Fixes for nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There are 0 bugs affecting 0 components.
The following list of bugs are not yet approved nice-to-have issues. Only fixes for approved nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There are 0 bugs affecting 0 components. For guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to QA:SOP_nth_bug_process.