From Fedora Project Wiki

This page is to assist in tracking votes on Ticket 107.

Please vote on this page and not on the ticket itself.
Voting here will make counting the votes easier.
I have included all users.
Currently we have access list flags that are "all over the board." I think we should establish templates to maintain consistency between ops and between channels. You can "/msg chanserv help template" for more information.

Available access list flags are:

   +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
   +V - Enables automatic voice.
   +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
   +O - Enables automatic op.
   +s - Enables use of the set command.
   +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
   +r - Enables use of the kick, ban, and kickban commands.
   +R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
   +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
   +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
   +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
   +F - Grants full founder access.
   +b - Enables automatic kickban.

I will attempt to define the user catagories in the User List Format

Real Name (FAS/IRC)

  • #fedora - <flags>
People in the access list with flags for #fedora
  • #fedora-social - <flags>
People in the access list with flags for #fedora-social
  • #fedora-unregistered - <flags>
People in the access list with flags for #fedora-unregistered
  • #fedora-ops - <flags>
People in the access list with flags for #fedora-ops
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - <yes/no>
People that have been invited in to #fedora-ops for one reason or another.
  • FAS group - <yes/no>
People listed in the irc-support-operators FAS group.

All Users

From Bob
I have included a reason for my votes, you are not expected to.

Adam Williamson (adamwill/AdamW)

  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Andrea Glaser (aglaser/sonargal)

  • #fedora-social - +votriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS Group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Ben Williams (jbwillia/Southern_Gentlem)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-social - +votriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Clive Hills (discordianuk/discordianuk)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Damien Nadé (anvil/Anvilou)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of Anvil's intent as far as the SIG goes. Perhaps nirik can verify with him.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of Anvil's intent as far as the SIG goes. Perhaps nirik can verify with him.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of Anvil's intent as far as the SIG goes. Perhaps nirik can verify with him.
  • FAS group - No
    • -1 - EvilBob - If he is interested in being an op he should be in the FAS group.

Dave Riches (dcr226/dcr226)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Deependra Singh Shekhawat (deepsa/linuxguru)

  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - No idea who this is.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Dennis Gilmore (ausil/dgilmore)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Dennis Johnson (fenris02/_drj2)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Hiemanshu Sharma (hiemanshu/hiemanshu)

  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Talked to Hiemanshu, He is still interested in the SIG but only has a few hours a day.

Ignacio Vazquez (ivazquez/ivazquez)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Ignacio has not been around in a long time.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-social - +votsriRA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Ignacio has not been around in a long time.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Ignacio has not been around in a long time.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Ignacio has not been around in a long time.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

James Laska (jlaska/jlaska)

  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - No idea who this is.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Jason Farrell (zcat/zcat)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Jarod Smith (jsmith/scatterbrained)

jsmith: I'd like to stay an op in at least #fedora and #fedora-social, if possible. I haven't been as active for the past few weeks because I've been starting a new job, but I anticipate returning to my regular activity level within the next week or two.

bjensen: You were never elected as an op you were only given that status as a courtesy when you were FPL. Seeing that there is no such courtesy provided for former FPLs you would have to be re-elected to maintain that status.
+1 for dropping

bjensen: Sorry I was partially incorrect, you have not been a channel op. The courtesy you were given was actually membership in the irc-support-operators FAS group and invitee status in the #fedora-ops channel. Sorry for the confusion. To become an op in #fedora and/or #fedora-social you will have to be nominated and voted upon.
Still +1 for dropping.
-- Bob
  • #fedora-ops - +vV
    • +1 - EvilBob - Was invited as FPL, his term is over.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Was invited as FPL, his term is over.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Was added as FPL, his term is over.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Dr. Jef Spaleta (jspaleta/|Jef|)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of DrJef's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of DrJef's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.

Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip/kanarip)

kanarip: I'm still in this one channel that I have operator privileges on (#fedora, none of the other channels). Remove me if you think I'm (likely to be) going to abuse the privileges or are likely to have any of my systems compromised in any way, shape or form that would allow anyone else to abuse the privileges attached to my account, otherwise I suggest you keep my privileges intact.

bjensen: Kanarip has only been active 4 times in the past year (May 23 2011, Jun 10 2011, Dec 22 2011, Jan 07 2012). This lack of inactivity is not active in my opinion.
  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Kanarip has expressed interest but has not shown substancial activity in #fedora in the past year.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Kanarip has expressed interest but has not shown substancial activity in #fedora in the past year.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Kanarip has expressed interest and I think he is still an asset to our voting membership.

Jesse Keating (jkeating/ender)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Jon Stanley (jstanley/jds2001)

jstanley: While I'm not an op per se, I occasionally help out in #fedora (and intend that activity to increase, not decrease, as the result of no longer being a Board member soon-ish assuming anyone else steps up and nominates themselves, which was the reason that I was invited to hang out in #fedora-ops).
Since that reason no longer exists, I guess that I would have to stand for "election" to be an op of #fedora. Consider this a request for said election.

bjensen: Hey Jon,
Tradition and or unwritten policy is that self nominations are not accepted, an existing op sponsors your nomination and then acts as a mentor of sorts during a probation. I'm sure you would not have trouble finding someone to do this once you are able to become more active in the #fedora channel.
-- Bob

bjensen: I forgot to mention that you are NOT an op in any of our channels, you are on the list because you are "warming a seat" in #fedora-ops one of the things we are trying to do is trim out people that don't really need to be there so we can see easier who is ops and probably that we need more active ops.
-- Bob
  • #fedora-ops - +vV
    • Invited as a board member, his Board term is coming to an end.
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Yes
    • Invited as a board member, his Board term is coming to an end.

Jon Steffan (jsteffan/daMaestro)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Kevin Fenzi (kevin/nirik)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfAb
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-social - +votrifA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votsriRfAF
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Kushal Das (kushal/kushal)

  • #fedora-social - +votsriRA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has not been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Mike Harris (harrism/mharris)

  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of Mike's intent as far as the SIG goes.
    • -1 - dcr226
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of Mike's intent as far as the SIG goes.
    • -1 - dcr226

Mike Kearey (mkearey/mutk)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • OK'ed Removal via IRC in #fedora-ops 2012-05-25 02:43UTC
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • OK'ed Removal via IRC in #fedora-ops 2012-05-25 02:43UTC
  • FAS group - Yes
    • OK'ed Removal via IRC in #fedora-ops 2012-05-25 02:43UTC
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Requested
    • +1 - EvilBob

Nick Bebout (nb/nb)

  • #fedora-social - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Should be bot op only at this time (probation).
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Should be bot op only at this time (probation).
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Should be bot op only at this time (probation).
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Patrick Barnes (nman64/nman64)

Paul Frields (pfrields/stickster)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Former FPL never voted on as an op.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Former FPL never voted on as an op.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Former FPL never voted on as an op.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Peter Larsen (bit4man/plarsen)

Pierre-YvesChibon (pingou/pingou)

From Bob:
I would like to nominate pingou as a voting (non-op) member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vV
    • -1 - EvilBob - Current invitee and asset to the SIG.
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Current invitee and asset to the SIG.
  • FAS group - Nominated(EvilBob)
    • +1 - EvilBob - pingou is an asset to the SIG.

Unknown (Unknown/Pix)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Ricky Elrod (codeblock/codeblock)

codeblock: I am not actually an op in any of these channels, but I was given permission to idle around in #fedora-ops. I'd like that to remain, if possible.

bjensen: The reason you were invited was to help inform the SIG when there were infrastructure problems, now that #fedora-noc exists that is no longer needed. Can you otherwise justify your presence in the #fedora-ops channel?
  • #fedora-ops - +vV
    • +1 - EvilBob - Invited as an infrastructure contact, with #fedora-noc infrastructure contact is no longer needed.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Invited as an infrastructure contact, with #fedora-noc infrastructure contact is no longer needed.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Ricky Zhou (ricky/ricky)

  • #fedora-ops - +vV
    • +1 - EvilBob - Invited as an infrastructure contact, with #fedora-noc infrastructure contact is no longer needed.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
  • #fedora-ops Invitee - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - Invited as an infrastructure contact, with #fedora-noc infrastructure contact is no longer needed.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Robert 'Bob' Jensen (bjensen/StillBob)

  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • +0 - EvilBob - Abstain - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +0 - EvilBob - Abstain - Active SIG Member.

Robyn Bergeron (rbergero/rbergeron)

  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Current FPL.

Rudolph Kastl (che/che)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of che's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of che's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.
  • #fedora-ops - +votsriRfAF
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of che's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • +1 - EvilBob - I'm unsure of che's intent as far as the SIG goes. I will verify with him.

Scott Glaser (sonarguy/micro_sonar_guy)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Semi-Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-social - +votriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Semi-Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Semi-Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Semi-Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Semi-Active SIG Member.

Scott Williams (vwbusguy/vwbusguy)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +votriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Sindre Pedersen Bjørdal (foolish/foolish)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • +1 - EvilBob - Has never been active in the SIG.
    • +1 - Khaytsus

Thomas Janssen (thomasj/thomasj)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member Again.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
    • -1 - dcr226
  • #fedora-social - +votriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member Again.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
    • -1 - dcr226
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member Again.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
    • -1 - dcr226
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member Again.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
    • -1 - dcr226
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member Again.
    • +1 - Khaytsus
    • -1 - dcr226

Tom Callaway (spot/spot)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Tom is the Red Hat/Freenode contact.
  • #fedora-social - +votsriRfAF
    • -1 - EvilBob - Tom is the Red Hat/Freenode contact.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Tom is the Red Hat/Freenode contact.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Tom is the Red Hat/Freenode contact.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Tom is the Red Hat/Freenode contact.

Walter Francis (khaytsus/Khaytsus)

  • #fedora - +votsriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-unregistered - +votriRfA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • #fedora-ops - +vVotriA
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.
  • FAS group - Yes
    • -1 - EvilBob - Active SIG Member.

Warren Togami (wtogami/Warren)