Office Tools
Office productivity tools are available in the base DVD Fedora installation but not in the live-CD version. This group of office tools include presentation, spreadsheet, and word processing applications. These tools are available through Applications > Office or as icons on the menu bar.
If the office productivity tools are not installed, install them using Pirut. Using Pirut is covered in the chapter Managing Software with Pirut . To install the office productivity tools, go to Applications in the left menu of Pirut and in the right menu select the Office/Productivity group, clicking the Optional packages. Install the suite of packages. Another option is to install using the console:
su -c 'yum groupinstall "Office/Productivity"'
To access the suite of tools in GNOME go to Applications > Office and select the application you would like to use. The icons below identify the programs; similar information is available from the tool tip that pops up when the mouse arrow hovers over the icon in the Applications > Office menu. In KDE the location is slightly different, with Open
Office in KMenu > Applications > Office
The office tools available are:
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office calicon.png | Calendar, a component of the Evolution application suite. |
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office openofficeorg-impress.png | Presentation is the Open Impress application, for creating and performing presentations.
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office gnome-planner.png | Project Management is the Planner application, a project planning tool. |
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office openofficeorg-calc.png | Spreadsheet is the Open Calc application, a spreadsheet program.
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office tasksicon.png | Tasks, a component of the Evolution application suite. |
File:Docs DesktopUserGuide Office openofficeorg-writer.png | Word Processor is the Open Writer application, a word processing program.
Evolution applications require initial setup |
The Evolution suite of applications, which includes Calendar and Tasks, requires an initial setup. Refer to Configuring Evolution for detailed directions. | Applications creates documents in formats based on open standards, such as Open
Document (ODF), Rich Text Format (RTF), and HTML. It can also read, edit, and write documents in Microsoft Office formats, such as Word, Excel, and Power
Point, with a high degree of compatibility. Files can be exported in PDF format without the need of additional software.
KOffice productivity tools are available in the base KDE Fedora installation. This group of office tools include presentation, spreadsheet, and word processing applications. These tools are available through Applications > Office in GNOME or Kmenu > Applications > Office in KDE.
If the office productivity tools are not installed, download them using Pirut. Using Pirut is covered in the chapter Managing Software with Pirut . Install the koffice-suite package. Another option is to install using the console:
su -c 'yum install koffice-suite'
Access the KOffice suite of tools in GNOME via Applications > Office, selecting the application to use. The icons below help you choose the program you want. In KDE the location is slightly different, KOffice is in KMenu > Applications > Office
The office tools available are:
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kpresenter.png | KPresenter is the KOffice application for creating and performing presentations. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kivio.png | Kivio is the KOffice application for creating flowcharts and diagrams. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kplato.png | KPlato is the Planner application, a project planning tool. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kspread.png | KSpread is the KOffice spreadsheet program. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kword.png | KWord is the KOffice word processing program. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kchart.png | KChart is the KOffice application for creating charts. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office karbon.png | Karbon is the KOffice application for creating scalable vector drawings. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office krita.png | Krita is the KOffice painting and image editing application. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kexi.png | Kexi is the KOffice integrated data management application. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kformula.png | KFormula is the KOffice application managing formulas. |
File:Docs Drafts DesktopUserGuide Office kugar.png | Kugar is the KOffice application for generating business quality reports. |
For Further Information
For more information on using, refer to the following documentation and support pages:
For more information on using KOffice, refer to the following documentation and support pages:
For templates that can be used in refer to the following websites:
For templates that can be used in KOffice refer to the following websites:
For more information on using Planner, refer to the following official project documentation and support site:
For more information on using Evolution, refer to the following official project documentation and support site:
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