Striker Leggette
My name is Striker and I love my job at Red Hat©!
Currently, I am an Ambassador under Mark Terranova.
Visit my Blog for information on Fedora 16/17 with Enlightenment!
Activities within Red Hat
- RHCSA Certified
- L2 Service Community Engineer
- Knowledge Management Contributor
Activities within Fedora
Fedora Ambassador
- I plan on gathering or joining local Linux groups in the Raleigh, NC Triangle to talk about Fedora!
Fedora represents the views of the community, and I want to be a part of the voice that speaks to others about this project.
It was created by us, is maintained by us and will ever be improved upon by us.
Activities Outside of the Technical World
My time spent away from Linux is normally face-down in a pillow! But sometimes, I can be found up in the Pigeon Forge area of the TN Mountains. I also like visiting Charlotte at nighttime from time to time.
Another of my favorite activities is Roller-Blading or Ice Skating. I have been in too many speed-racing accidents to count. :) And I do play a tiny bit of Texas Hold'em...
Contact Info
- RH Email: striker AT redhat DOT com
- FE Email: strikerttd AT fedoraproject DOT org
- IRC: striker|rh on Freenode -- #milspeclinux, #fedora, #fedora-ambassadors
- Fedora Account: strikerttd