Enhanced version of Liberation fonts having more script coverage, better license and improved hinting.
- Name: Pravin Satpute
- Email:
Current status
- Targeted release: [[Releases/2.00.0<number> | Fedora 18<number> ]]
- Last updated: 18 Jul 2012(DATE)
- Percentage of completion: 50%
Detailed Description
Liberation fonts is one of the important font in Fedora distribution due to following reasons.
- 1. Provides metric compatibility with Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New fonts of Microsoft Windows platform.
- 2. Default fonts in Libre Office.
Issues: 1. Existing License of liberation fonts is complex. 2. Over the last couple of years we have requested RFE's to increase coverage of Liberation fonts to support more scripts. "RFE: Add Greek Polytonic support to Liberation fonts" #473842 "Serbian glyphs for Wikipedia" #657849 3. We are noticing some tricky Hinting issues. #591554, #591556, #606217 #768067, #768067
Solution: Upstream latest release 2.00.0 based on google croscore fonts resolves all these issues.
Benefit to Fedora
1. Liberation fonts-2.00.0 is as per Fedora project recommended OFL license. 2. Provide more character covarage. Latest Version - Older Version 2302 (sans) - 667 2274 (mono) - 666 2303 (serif) - 662 With this we can resolved RFE for Greek Polytonic support. 3. Improved hinting.
1. Upstream release based on croscore fonts. 2. Package liberation-narrow-sans as a different package in Fedora. Since licensing issues still not fixed for Liberation Sans Narrow 3. Build latest liberation fonts 2.00.0 for Rawhide 4. Testing and bugfixing
How To Test
1. Install liberation fonts 2.00.0 version 2. See the differences. 3. Check rendering of your test in Libre Office.
User Experience
1. Improved character coverage. 2. Better hinting effect.
1. Feature owner is leading upstream Liberation fonts project.
Contingency Plan
1. Need to see first testing reports from users after packaging latest version in Fedora rawhide/18. 2. If users reporting major problems for against improved version. We can roll back to older version of Liberation fonts. 1.07.2
- No
Release Notes
- Improved version of Liberation fonts providing more coverage and better hinting.