Ambassadors Help
Disclaimer: This page is not a mandatory to-do list that all ambassadors have to follow. It's rather a list of suggestions for the ambassadors that are not completely sure how to promote Fedora in their area and look for ideas. This page doesn't have a goal to replace pages such as Ambassadors FAQ or Conduct. It should be complementary to them.
Release Parties
Release parties are the most frequent Fedora-related events. They take place after releases of Fedora and they're events where the community can gather and celebrate a new release of Fedora and where new features in Fedora are introduced to users.
- When, Where, and What - more information on planning a release party.
- How to Organize a Fedora Event - steps to do when organizing a Fedora event.
Fedora Activity Days - FADs
The Fedora Activity Day (FAD) is a regional event (either one-day or a multi-day) that allows Fedora contributors to get together in order to work on specific tasks related to the Fedora Project. Because ambassadors usually have experience with organizing events and have local insight they can help out different groups in Fedora Project to organize a FAD. Many people confuse FADs with promotional events. The purpose of FADs is not to promote Fedora, it's to get stuff done. It's solely for Fedora contributors with a few exceptions (e.g. inviting upstream developers to sort thing out between Fedora and upstream).
- Fedora Activity Days - more information on FADs and a list of FADs organized in the past.
Conferences are a great opportunity to spread the word about Fedora. Look for events in your area where there are attendees who might be interested in Fedora. Those conferences are usually focused on Linux and open source software, but it's not limited to them.
Fedora booth/stand
Many conferences allow participating projects to have a booth/stand at the venue. It's one of the best ways to promote Fedora because booths are the place where attendees can learn what Fedora is, grab a DVD, stickers, come for help etc. To organize a Fedora booth at a conference you basically will need:
- A space - contact the conference organizers and ask them if Fedora can get a space for your booth/stand. Some conferences don't have project/sponsor booths, some charge money for them. But they usually charge money only for commercial booths and if you explain them that Fedora Project is an open source project you may get it free of charge.
- Material for booth - there are things you can use to decorate the booth (stand-up banners, table cloth, posters,...). It's also good to have something to take (Fedora DVDs, stickers, leaflets,...) and something to show (hardware running Fedora, the more obscure hardware such as Raspberry, tablets, OLPC the more attractive to attendees it is). To get this stuff you should look for Event Boxes in your region. Event boxes include things to equip a Fedora booth. You should also check regional inventory. Requests for these things are done in regional tracs.
- People - you will need people to staff the booth. Running a booth by yourself especially at several-day conferences is difficult if not impossible. Recommended number of booth personnel is at least 2, ideally 3-4.
- Money - there might be expenses related to having a booth at conference. Some conferences do charge everyone, even non-profit open source projects. You may need to pay lodging and travel expenses for booth personnel, or stuff for the booth you couldn't get from event boxes or regional inventory etc. You may get reimbursement. File a request in your regional trac. Don't forget to wait for an approval before you actually spend money!