I (Giulio Fidente) am a long standing GNU advocate who strongly believes in the freedom cause.
I work for red hat. In 2003 I started cruxppc, a port of crux for the power architecture platform, then after a couple of years I left the team and wrote in a few lines of python code mlapd, an access policy delegation daemon for postfix
Currently I'm playing a bit with the comet/bajeux protocol and with its partial implementation made in orbited, a comet server written in python.
In the latest times I'm having fun just playing with django and turbogears.
I found in Fedora a nice compromise between the end user perspective and the power user perspective (yeah my girlfriend uses it too!), that's why I would like to contribute to it.
- email gfidente@redhat.com
- gpg 08D733BA
- irc gfidente
What else, hello world, it's obvious.