From Fedora Project Wiki
- Date: Friday, September 21st, 2012
- Time: 10am to 5pm
- Venue: Brno office of Red Hat, Purkynova 99/71, Brno, Czech Republic
- Capacity: 20 participants
- Registration: please fill out this form
- Language: either Czech or English (will be decided at the beginning of the workshop. It depends if there will be any foreign participants)
- Admission: Free
Software to Package
Software that participants chose to package during the workshop. Feel free to add more if you've come up with something else (ideas) and are attending the workshop.
- cgmail
- key-mon
- gkeyring
- sendKindle
- pyglet
- RepRap stuff (Printrun with Skeinforge)
- kazam
- Transmageddon (this app already has a packager and will be in F18)
- ResultsDB (TurboGears 2)
- RecordItNow
- Depends on Joschy - not packaged in Fedora yet
- Qflashrom - suggested by one of the lecturers for those who haven't found anything to package
- Fedora Qt/KDE packages wishlist