Fedora Education Spin
This is an attempt to create and to maintain a possible education spin of Fedora.
Fedora 8
Here is the kickstart file for a GNOME-based spin of Fedora 8 (It's size is approximately 695 MB): File:SIGs Education Spin livecd-fedora-8-education-final.ks
Fedora 9
And here is a possible proposal for Fedora 9: File:SIGs Education Spin livecd-fedora-9-education-beta-1.ks
This one here is now KDE-based due to some space problems with the old version. We may have a discussion on this (and on the included applications) on the mailing list or during a meeting.
This one is related to mathematical applications and will be one of our first spins. We might still change one or another thing...
%include livecd-fedora-base-desktop.ks %packages @kde-desktop -amarok -digikam -kdegames -kdemultimedia -kdepim -kdeutils -kftpgrabber -kipi-plugins -konversation -ksshaskpass -ktorrent -twinkle kdeedu qalculate wxmaxima octave gnuplot kpolynome Macaulay2 orpie dragonplayer kdegraphics kdenetwork kiosktool koffice-kword koffice-kspread koffice-kpresenter koffice-filters [...] %end
And here is another possibility, which is now GNOME-based and possibly intended for older students:
%include fedora-live-base.ks %packages @gnome-desktop # internet firefox pidgin sunbird thunderbird # office abiword dia gnumeric planner # audio & video brasero jokosher totem totem-mozplugin # graphics blender gimp inkscape # education bluefish celestia drgeo galculator gchempaint gnome-chemistry-utils wxmaxima # system java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin nss-mdns NetworkManager-vpnc NetworkManager-openvpn swfdec swfdec-mozilla tsclient [...]