Compiler Flags Explained
|| flag || reason || ||<#80FF80> -g || Produces debugging information that will be stored in the -debuginfo package || ||<#80FF80> -Wall || Makes gcc display warnings about questionable constructs in the code, when gcc prints error, please report them upstream || ||<#80FF80> -fstack-protector || Adds stack protection to the binary, see: [wiki:Self:Security/Features#head-58c7594cdcb36e04c558f0c6d3914c35bcc9553e Stack protection] || ||<#FF8080> -fomit-frame-pointer || Destroys debuging information on some machines, when it is safe to use, it is already in -O3 ||
{{{ %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
python build
python install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT }}}
tr --delete .)
%define cabalsetup Setup.lhs
- There is no debuginfo for Haskell files currently
%define debug_package %{nil}
Requires: %{ghcver}-%{name}
- There is no Haskell or ghc for ppc64 in Fedora
- Bugs:
- (ghc ppc64)
ExcludeArch: ppc64
%package -n %{ghcver}-%{name}
Summary: :TODO:
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires(preun): %{_bindir}/ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version}
Requires(post): %{_bindir}/ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version}
runhaskell %{cabalsetup} configure \
--with-compiler=%{_bindir}/ghc-%{ghc_version} \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --bindir=%{_bindir} \ --datadir=%{_datadir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} \ --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}
runhaskell %{cabalsetup} build
runhaskell %{cabalsetup} copy --destdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
install .installed-pkg-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ghc-%{ghc_version}/%{name}.pkg
%post -n %{ghcver}-%{name} ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version} -u -g -i %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ghc-%{ghc_version}/%{name}.pkg
%preun -n %{ghcver}-%{name}
if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
rm -f %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version}/*.o ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version} -r %{name}-%{version}
Old: {{{ ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version} -u -g -i %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ghc-%{ghc_version}/%{name}.pkg }}} New: {{{ ghc-pkg-%{ghc_version} --auto-ghci-libs update %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version}/ghc-%{ghc_version}/%{name}.pkg &> /dev/null }}}
Review Checklist
Review Checklist
* rpmlint * naming * NamingGuidelines * licensing * osi approved? * included? * correct mentioned in specfile? specfile * American English * legible * ExcludeArch, blocking * BuildRequires * Locales * shared libraries: ldconfig * %clean section with rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} * macros * sources * relocatable? Prefix: /usr? * files and directories * owns all created directories * all files listed in %files * permissions? * deffattr? * no .la files * .desktop for GUI applications * no conflicts with other packets * -devel * headers * static libraries * .so without suffix when .so.suffix existent * .pc files * permissable content * doc * large doc in -doc package * must not affect runtime
* request upstream license * mock build * sane scriptlets * subpackages with fully versioned dependency
||<tableclass="message warning3"> Information on this page is deprecated, please look at [:PackageMaintainers/Join#head-289ccb147e1de03b5f8d8b9ffe99709227b454cc: How to join the Fedora Package Collection Maintainers] ||
Smileys || (!) || {{{ (!) }}} || || <!> || {{{ <!> }}} || || {i} || {{{ {i} }}} || || {X} || {{{ {X} }}} || || /!\ || {{{ /!\ }}} || || (./) || {{{ (./) }}} ||
||<tableclass="message warning"> This is a {{{<tableclass="message warning">}}} table ||
||<tableclass="message warning1"> This is a {{{<tableclass="message warning1">}}} class table (do not use)||
||<tableclass="message warning2"> This is a {{{<tableclass="message warning2">}}} class table ||
||<tableclass="message warning3"> This is a {{{<tableclass="message warning3">}}} class table ||
||<tableclass="message warning4"> This is a {{{<tableclass="message warning4">}}} class table (do not use)||
||<tableclass="this class does not exist yet23"> This is a {{{<tableclass="this class does not exist yet23">}}} class table (do not use)||