From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Test Days
[ABRT & libreport]

Date 2012-10-01
Time 6:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC

Website ABRT homepage
IRC #fedora-test-day (webirc)
Mailing list test

Can't make the date?
If you come to this page before or after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find at Bugzilla, and add your results to the results section. If this page is more than a month old when you arrive here, please check the current schedule and see if a similar but more recent Test Day is planned or has already happened.

What to test?

Today's instalment of Fedora Test Day will focus on:

  • Automated Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT)
  • Unified Problem Reporting UI (libreport)
  • Simplified crash reporting via ABRT Server (Fedora 18 Feature)
  • Gnome-abrt

Who's available

The following cast of characters will be available testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion ...

  • Development - Jiří Moskovčák (jmoskovc), Denys Vlasenko (dvlasenk), Karel Klíč (kklic), Michal Toman (mtoman), Richard Marko (rmarko), Filák Jakub (jfilak), Lichvár Miroslav (mlichvar)
  • Quality Assurance - David Kutálek (dkutalek), Martin Kyral (mkyral)

Prerequisite for Test Day

How to test?

Update your machine

If you're running Fedora 18, make sure you have all the current updates for it installed, using the update manager.

Live image

You may download a non-destructive Fedora 18 live image for your architecture. Tips on using a live image are available at FedoraLiveCD.

Download the nightly Fedora 18 build for your architecture. Choose the mainstream 'desktop' spin or any other desktop-like spin (kde, lxde, xfce).

Get latest abrt/libreport packages

The latest versions are:


Use the following command to install/update all of them:

yum -y install --enablerepo=updates-testing \
  abrt abrt-addon-ccpp abrt-addon-kerneloops abrt-addon-python abrt-addon-vmcore abrt-addon-xorg \
  abrt-desktop abrt-dbus abrt-gui abrt-libs abrt-cli abrt-retrace-client abrt-plugin-bodhi abrt-tui \
  libreport libreport-compat libreport-filesystem libreport-cli libreport-gtk libreport-newt libreport-web \
  libreport-python libreport-plugin-mailx libreport-plugin-logger libreport-plugin-bugzilla \
  libreport-plugin-kerneloops libreport-plugin-reportuploader libreport-plugin-rhtsupport libreport-plugin-ureport \
  btparser btparser-python \
  gnome-abrt elfutils
Elfutils needed
Please make sure you have elfutils installed - abrt-ccpp is missing requires - [Bug 859674]

Make sure that:

  • abrtd and abrt-ccpp services are running:
# systemctl start abrtd.service
# systemctl status abrtd.service

# systemctl start abrt-ccpp.service
# systemctl status abrt-ccpp.service
  • file /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern contains following output:
# cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
|/usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp %s %c %p %u %g %t e

Test Cases

For better orientation there are several groups of test cases, top priority first. Follow each of these test cases, or just some group(s) of them in case of limited time for testing.

New features or test cases

  1. Features/SimplifiedCrashReporting - Simplified Crash Reporting (F18 Feature)
  2. QA:Testcase ABRT Reporting Known Crash - reporting of known crash
  3. QA:Testcase ABRT ruby gem - ruby exceptions
  4. QA:Testcase GNOME ABRT MAIN - gnome-abrt
  5. QA:Testcase ABRT Configuration Storage - configuration storage

Basic functionality

  1. QA:Testcase_ABRT - Basic test
  2. QA:Testcase_ABRT_Logger - Logger plugin
  3. QA:Testcase_ABRT_Bugzilla - Bugzilla plugin
  4. QA:Testcase_ABRT_Mailx - Mailx plugin
  5. QA:Testcase ABRT CLI - CLI interface
  6. QA:Testcase ABRT kernel - kernel oops
  7. QA:Testcase ABRT python - python tracebacks
  8. QA:Testcase ABRT vmcore - kernel oops


  1. QA:Testcase Libreport sealert - sealert integration
  2. QA:Testcase Libreport anaconda - anaconda integration
  3. QA:Testcase Libreport Anaconda Install - anaconda integration (directly in install)
  4. QA:Testcase Libreport firstboot - firstboot integration
  5. QA:Testcase Retrace Server CLI - Retrace Server CLI
  6. QA:Testcase Retrace Server GUI - Retrace Server in ABRT GUI
Close all fake bugs you create!
During certain test cases you will be required to simulate application crashes and report these crashes into Bugzilla. It is very important that after every such fake report you open the link provided by ABRT and close that bug as NOTABUG with comment like "ABRT testing bug". Otherwise you would overload package developers with fake bug reports. Thank you.
Report SELinux denials against ABRT
If you encounter some SELinux (AVC) denials during testing, please report them against the abrt package, not selinux package. Thanks.

Try to break Abrt
Besides above test cases, fell free to experiment and try to break Abrt in your own ways. We will be happy with that :-).

Test Results

If you have problems with any of the tests, report a bug to Bugzilla usually for the component abrt, or libreport for bugs in the libreport library, or btparser for backtrace parser related bugs, or gnome-abrt for new Gnome Abrt GUI. If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report or what other information to include, just ask on IRC and we will help you. Once you have completed the tests, add your results to the Results table below, following the example results from the first line as a template. The first column should be your name with a link to your User page in the Wiki if you have one. For each test case, use the result template to enter your result, as shown in the example result line.

New features or test cases

User Simplified crash reporting Reporting known crash Ruby exceptions Gnome ABRT Configuration storage References
Sample User
Pass pass
Warning warn
Fail fail
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
  1. Test pass, but also encountered RHBZ #54321
  2. RHBZ #12345
David Kutalek
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
  1. Tested with gnome shell
Michal Toman
Pass pass
Pass pass
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. will-crash package is not built for F18, you need to install the F17 version from koji
Martin Kyral
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Wrong BZ configuration leads to processing failure with no possibility of recovery RHBZ #861899
Iveta Senfeldova
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
  1. Problem with tabs highlighting, confusing warning message: RHBZ #861880
Brano Nater
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
  1. note added to bz861880
  2. No popup (step 7.) for gnome-keyring appear. A new record for report_Bugzilla appears in "Password and Keys" application, but it's incorrectly populated
Jaroslav Skarvada
Pass pass
Warning warn
Warning warn
Pass pass
Fail fail
  1. Processing failed. ---Running report_uReport --- (exited with 1), on second try it worked, thus no reproducer.
  2. No will-crash package, had to install from koji.
  3. Secret Service is not available, your settings won't be saved!

Basic functionality

User Basic test Logger reporting Bugzilla reporting Mailx plugin CLI interface Kernel oops Python crash Kernel panic(vmcore) References
David Kutalek
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
  1. Test passed, but processing window is wider then screen RHBZ #861872
  2. Not able to report issue because of RHBZ #854266
Michal Toman
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
  1. AVC RHBZ #854266
  2. In permissive doesn't work for the oops from the testcase, but works for all random oopses on my system.
Martin Kyral
Pass pass
Fail fail
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Fail fail
  1. Needed to repeat the procedure for the issue to be written in the log RHBZ #861973
  2. Wrong BZ configuration leads to processing failure with no possibility of recovery RHBZ #861899
  3. No kernel dump created (five tries in VirtualBox)
Iveta Senfeldova
Inprogress inprogress
Fail fail
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
  1. If I closed the Problem data window report-gtk got killed: RHBZ #861989
  2. AVC RHBZ #854266
Jaroslav Skarvada
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Fail fail
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
  1. No bugzilla in the menu.
  2. "'DIR' is not a problem directory" for any DIR I tried.


User sealert anaconda anaconda install firstboot Retrace cli Retrace gui References
David Kutalek
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
  1. Tested appending to existing bug - works
  2. client could handle corrupted problem dir better RHBZ #861996