From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 20:12, 22 October 2012 by Immanetize (talk | contribs) (comments on 256 color terminals)

Beat is open
This beat is now ready to have Fedora 25 content added by the beat writer

systemctl assumes it works with services

systemctl, the utility used to administer services and other systemd targets, will now assume that it is working with a service. Administrators will no longer have to append '.service' to the name of the daemon they are administering. For example, systemctl restart dhcpd will now just work, but previous releases required systemctl restart dhcpd.service.

Terminals get more colorful

Fedora now enables supporting terminal emulators to use 256 colors. With new environment variables, applications such as gnome-terminal, konsole, and screen will automatically be enabled with 256 color support. Other applications can display 256 colors but must be configured.