From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 02:36, 30 November 2012 by Keshavmishra (talk | contribs)

Keshav Kumar

Hello everyone,I am currently persuing my B. Tech. degree ar SRM college and i enjoy using ant trying different linux distros and at last i have stuck to fedora as my basic OS. I like to code in C/C++ , PHP and java.I am in mid way to convince my department in order to use fedora as basic OS rather than paying for liscences.

  • Location: Chennai , India
  • Occupation(s): student,3rd year Cse Dept.
  • email : keshav_kumar22 AT yahoo DOT in
  • fedora account user-name : keshavnmishra
  • Phone Number: 9543722781
  • twitter handle: @keshav4uall

My Goals

1) getting involved in promotion of OpenSource as well as Fedora.

2) To enhance the standard and services of Fedora by working with Feodra Team.