- Housekeeping
- Go over packages in list
- See what their current status is and update wiki page accordingly
Assigning tasks
Work plan
- Volunteers put up their names on wiki
- Appoint wiki wrangler
- Divide wishlist among remaining volunteers
- Volunteers check up packages and submit report to wiki wrangler
- Wiki wrangler updates wishlist page
Work division
Please assign yourself a task by November 16 2012. First come first serve.
Task | Volunteer | Status |
Wiki wrangler 1 - for entries from A - K | ||
Wiki wrangler 2 - for entries from L - Z | ||
A-D + E-G | Akshay Vyas | |
H-K + L-M | Sourav Basu | |
N-O + P | Praveen Kumar | Complete |
Q-S + T-W + X-Z |
Volunteeers and their roles
We need a wiki page wrangler. Is that you?
- Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD": volunteer
- Buddhike Kurera: volunteer
- Praveen Kumar: volunteer
- Akshay Vyas: volunteer
- Sourav Basu:volunteer
Timezone: UTC
- Volunteers add themselves to list: - November 14 2012
- Assign tasks: November 15 2012
- Submit reports to wiki wrangler: November 29 2012
- Wrangler updates wiki page: by December 10 2012
Example case
Check bugzilla
Check repositories
$ repoquery aardict
$ bodhi -L aardict
I'm lazy. This is what I came up with. Can be improved to even generate the table:
$ sudo yum install bodhi-client bugzilla-client
- Download the section you want to check from the wiki into a text file. Here, it's called t-w.txt
$ for i in cat t-w.txt | awk 'BEGIN {FS="]"} ;{print $1}' | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed '/===/d'
; do echo "*** $i being checked ***"; echo "*** $i ***" >> t-w-report.txt ; bodhi -L "$i" >> t-w-report.txt ; bugzilla query -p fedora -c "$i" --oneline >> t-w-report.txt; echo >> t-w-report.txt; echo >> t-w-report.txt ; done
- It'll generate a file called t-w-report.txt. Do the same for the other sections
- Do go over the report manually and check. This is a very simple script that may miss corner cases.
Report result in a table form
Package name | URL | Status | Comment |
aardict | aardict | rhbz#687875 | Review in progress (stalled) |