Ruby 2.0.0
Ruby 2.0.0 is the latest stable version of Ruby, with major increases in speed and reliability. With this major update from Ruby 1.9.3 in Fedora 18 to Ruby 2.0. in Fedora 19, alongside JRuby, Fedora becomes the superior Ruby development platform.
- Name: Vít Ondruch
- Email:
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 19
- Last updated: 2012-12-18
- Percentage of completion: 10%
Detailed Description
Ruby 2.0.0 is upstream's new major release of Ruby. It caries new features such as:
- Refinements
- Keyword arguments
- Enumerable#lazy
- Module#prepend
- #to_h: Convention for conversion to Hash
- %i: a literal for symbol array
- regexp engine was changed to Onigmo
- DTrace support
- TracePoint
Yet, it is source level backward compatible with Ruby 1.9.3, so you will continue to work.
The updated Ruby also provides better integration with Fedora, especially JRuby, but it is one step closer to be prepared for other interpreters, such as Rubinius. Providing of custom ruby loader with working name "multiruby" [1] will allow to easily switch interpreters executing your script, provides fallback to whatever Ruby interpreter is available on you system, yet still keeps backward compatibility with all your Ruby scripts.