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Friendly EPERM


Coordinated patches to kernel and glibc so that (optionally) strerror(EPERM) gives useful information on why permission was denied


  • Email: <>

Current status

  • Targeted release: [[Releases/<number> | Fedora <number> ]]
  • Last updated: (DATE)
  • Percentage of completion: XX%

Detailed Description

Traditionally, if a process attempts a forbidded operation, errno for that thread is set to EPERM, and a call to strerror() returns a localized version of "Operation not permitted". This string appears throughout textual UIs. For example, it will show up in command-line tools, in exceptions within scripting languages, etc.

There are an increasing number of ways in which you can fail to have permission to do something:

  • classic POSIX discretionary access controls
  • Linux security modules (e.g. SELinux mandatory access controls)
  • capabilities
  • etc (TODO: expand this list)

Under normal deployment situations we don't want to leak information to an attacker as to why permission was denied, but under development situations it's useful to know why a failure happens.

We propose to:

  • patch the kernel so that it can optionally provide user-space with a "failure cookie" giving additional information beyond the bare ERRNO (handled at the per-thread level, like strerror, iirc)
  • patch glibc's implementation of strerror (and related calls) so that it can use this "failure cookie" to provide a localized extension to the "Operation not permitted" giving additional details.

For example: TODO

The failure cookie would only be exposed to user space for processes with a particular bit set (using prctl), so that you have to opt-in to having this information exposed.

Benefit to Fedora


How To Test

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