Best Practices for Fedora Infrastructure Apps
Coding style
- Python code should be PEP8 compliant
Logging to syslog
Most of our apps use the standard Python logging module, which usually ends up logging to /var/log/httpd/error_log on the local machine.
To have your app logs shipped to our central logging server, you can configure the SysLogHandler like so:
[logging] [[handlers]] [[[syslog_out]]] class='handlers.SysLogHandler' args="('/dev/log', handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL4,)" formatter='message_only' [[loggers]] [[[bodhi]]] level='DEBUG' qualname='bodhi' handlers=['syslog_out'] propagate=0
The app logs will then appear in /var/log/hosts/<HOST>/<YEAR>/<MONTH>/<DAY>/apps.log as well as the merged log /var/log/merged/apps.log.