Simplify Java/Maven Packaging using XMvn
Introduce new Maven packaging tooling with new macros, automated install section and more
- Name: StanislavOchotnicky
- Email:
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 19
- Last updated: 2013-01-24
- Percentage of completion: 50%
Detailed Description
Current Maven packaging can be time-consuming and full of repetition even for simple packages. To simplify Maven packaging new XMvn tools and macros have been developed. Main features of XMvn include:
- No need for patched Maven (simpler maintenance)
- Automated %install section with possible per-artifact installation configuration
- Automatic requires generation for Maven artifacts
Goal of this feature is to migrate all packages to use XMvn instead of mvn-rpmbuild script.
Benefit to Fedora
After moving packages to start using XMvn instead of current mvn-rpmbuild spec files will be more simple, easier to maintain and modify. Automatic requires generation will make updating packages easier and less error-prone.
Not having to patch Maven will also open door to faster Maven updates.
Conversion of mvn-rpmbuild spec files to XMvn is mostly trivial removals and simplifications, but we'll be providing recipes for most common conversions.
How To Test
Tests are best done by reworking your packages to use XMvn instead of mvn-rpmbuild and then verify that automatically generated requires stayed sane.
User Experience
- No end-user visible difference
- Packages will likely enjoy simplified spec files
- Packages will nevertheless have to learn new ways to handle Maven packaging. Advantages outweigh this learning curve though.
- No dependencies
Contingency Plan
- No contingency plan, packages that can not migrate due to inevitable incompatibilities can keep using mvn-rpmbuild and ignore automatic requires.
Recipes for conversion from old mvn-rpmbuild to XMvn are being prepared
Release Notes
No need for a release notes entry.