From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 20:26, 24 January 2013 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (new title since this is Python!)

This is where the initial drafts of some marketing materials are developed.

Like. Very. Fine. Wine.

Once they're ripped from my perfectionist claws...

Development Brochure Anatomy

Developing with (language, framework, environment of your choice) on Fedora


  • 1 to 2 sentence introduction of OS

Benefits of developing with abc on Fedora

  • packages
  • yum
  • stable of tools and environment
  • virtualization and collaboration capabilities?

Getting started

  • set up and commands
  • screen shots?

Use case or cool thing being done with this language on Fedora/with Fedora?

  • screen shots?

Migration tips from other systems?

Links to more information

  • QR code
  • SIG(s)


About Fedora OS

Fedora is a secure, stable, and powerful Linux-based operating system that provides the latest free and open source software within a -> flexible/customizable?/manageable? <- environment for developers

The Fedora distribution strives to:

  • Be on the leading edge of free and open source technology, by adopting and helping to develop new features and version upgrades.
  • Establish and implement technical standards for packages, ensuring the quality and consistency of the operating system.
  • Promote rapid adoption of new releases by allowing for easy upgrades, with minimal disturbances to configuration changes. <- comments about the validity of this statement

The Fedora Project promises to: -> section hasn't been edited beyond initial slap and dash <-

  • always be free for everyone, everywhere, to use, modify and distribute.
  • collaboration is commonplace
  • people control their content and devices.

Why use Fedora for Java development?

Fedora is a great Java development platform because many of the tools Java developers already know and need are available right out of the box in Fedora, such as Java (OpenJDK 7) and the major JVM languages including Groovy, Scala, Clojure, JRuby, and JavaScript.

List very specific benefits pertaining to Java development

-> crickets <-


List attributes of a Fedora managed software development system

-> crickets <-

Setting up your Java development environment in Fedora

How do I yum?

Open a terminal and type yum install name-of-package .

What's a package? A package consists of the metadata and compiled code for a library, collection, service, or application which the Fedora operating system can query, install, upgrade and remove, typically via a package management system.

Why use a package versus downloading?

Benefits and features of packages -> Isn't this the same thing as mystery content under Why use Fedora for Java development? <-

Steps and commands to set up a basic development environment

yum install vim-enhanced (or emacs)

maybe syntastic-java (new in F18)

yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel (shorthand: java-devel)

maybe groovy

yum install maven (or ant or gradle)

yum install git (or subversion)

maybe gitg and/or emacs-git

yum install eclipse-jdt (jdt stands for Java Development Tools)

yum install eclipse-egit (or eclipse-subclipse)

maybe eclipse-findbugs, eclipse-eclemma and/or jacoco

yum install tomcat-admin-webapps (or jboss-as)

yum install mysql-server (or mongodb-server or postgresql-server)

yum install rubygem-rhc (to deploy to OpenShift Online)

Starting a new Java project

Using the REPL Using the compiler requirements what to use how to save how to execute Build tools IDE support Ex. with Java Ex. with Clojure

I'd git clone a repository or start a new one using mvn archetype:generate or Eclipse. Then I'd build it with Maven, Ant or Eclipse. I'd then start Tomcat or JBoss AS and deploy the application. Deploying may require the prerequisite step of starting, configuring and populating the database.

If I wanted to get into other languages, I might install the language & it's corresponding build tool. For example, clojure & leiningen (or lancet)

Tip: One thing developers complain about is that building a project for the first time leads to Maven "downloading the internet". While this is part of how Maven works, it can be alleviated (in part) by running mvn-local. This script will first attempt to resolve the library from the system (shared libraries) before reaching out to the internet. (Another solution would be using a local artifact manager like Nexus or Artifactory, but alas, that software is not available in Fedora).

Alternate and Application Development Related Packages

Language and platform

Package Description yum install command
Java 1.7.0 OpenJDK OpenJDK Runtime Environment ava-1.7.0-openjdk-devel (shorthand: java-devel)
Groovy 1.8 Dynamic, object-oriented JVM language with lexical declarations and compact property syntax.
Scala 2.9
JRuby 1.6
Rhino 1.7R3 (Javascript)
Jython 2.2
  • less.js is pending but not built in rawhide yet

Application runtimes (application servers, servlet containers, etc)

Package Description yum install command

Development tools (IDEs, editors, debuggers, REPLs, application generators)

Package Description yum install command
  • The lack of Spring Roo or JBoss Forge in Fedora is problematic

Build tools (compile and package the code)

Package Description yum install command

Databases and drivers (connectors)

Package Description yum install command

Code quality and coverage tools

Package Description yum install command
  • Why wasn't Spock .6, a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications, included in this list?

Source control systems

Package Description yum install command

Documentation tools

Package Description yum install command

Monitoring and instrumentation

Package Description yum install command

Virtualization and cloud

Package Description yum install command
  • Why aren't there any Continuous integration servers or Artifact repositories available in Fedora?

What's next

Questions Mailing list Chat

References Fedora Project Java SIG Fedora Packages search: