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Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Meeting - 2008-04-04

iWolf fugolini: hi!
fabian_a hi fugolini
MrTom hi
* spevack is here, doing a bunch of number crunching
fugolini sorry but with daylight time changing
fugolini i was confused
fabian_a fugolini, it is better for us, isn't it?
fugolini maybe
spevack isn't it like 10:00 PM for you EMEA folks?
fabian_a yes, it is
kanarip yup
kanarip hey spevack ;-)
fugolini ok, we can start
fugolini Roll call:
fugolini FrancescoUgolini
iWolf JeffreyTadlock
fabian_a FabianAffolter
kanarip JeroenVanMeeuwen
fugolini take a look at
spevack hey jeroen
spevack MaxSpevack obv
MrTom ThomasCanniot
fugolini Unfortunately i couldn't send the meeting reminder
fugolini this is our agenda:
fugolini 1. Fedora Event Budget
fugolini 2. F9 Release Party Planning
fugolini 3. Wiki (both delegate and cleanup) status
fugolini i think we have a lot of issues to discuss
fugolini so starting from the 1st one
iWolf i think we should let spevack go first, i think he has to leave early.
fugolini 1. Fedora Event Budget
spevack well, this is my topic
fugolini iWolf: yep, is what i want to do
spevack so i guess the first question is did you see the email I sent to famsco-list a little bit ago
* iWolf nods
spevack and second is are there any comments on that email or the ones i sent to ambassadors-list earlier in the week?
spevack I feel like we are doing a pretty fair job of distributing funds around the globe
fugolini !
MrTom !
fugolini ok, first of all MrTom
MrTom i'd like to add that it seems we'll have both attendees for the Worlwide FOSS Meeting in France during July
MrTom (abt 3000 visitors)
MrTom it is during Q2
MrTom I don't know if Max still has coins for this or not :)
MrTom eof
spevack MrTom: unfortunately, i don't think I'll be able to make it to that event. I will be in the US for FUDCon and staying for a little while afterward...
spevack but that is separate from money for the event
spevack which we certainly have
kanarip when is this event exactly?
spevack For Q2 events, the policy is "we can fund the event if it is on the FedoraEvents page with an owner by May 1"
spevack because May 1 is 1 month before the start of Q2
spevack MrTom: does that all make sense?
spevack kanarip: first week of July, mid-week
MrTom yes max thanks i'll add it
MrTom from 1st jyly to 5th
kanarip right
MrTom in Mont de Marsant (near Spain border)
fugolini Max, i have a question for you
MrTom the website :
spevack fugolini: sure
fugolini about the mail you sent in the Ambs list
spevack my email to ambassadors-list about the *current* quarter had several responses
fugolini about the Q3, if i'm not worng
spevack my email about planning for *next quarter* had none :)
spevack what's your question francesco?
fugolini you ask for partecipation, but what kind of partecipation do you want?
fugolini The owners partecipation or a global one?
fugolini because i have made a personal prevision but i think it isn't a good one
spevack fugolini: i don't understand what you mean, i'm sorry
fugolini just because i don't know what each owner has in its mind
fugolini ok
fugolini The q3 mail is intended for all ambassadors or only for event owners/attendees?
spevack Anyone!
spevack Because every ambassador is a *potential* event owner
fugolini because, for my perspective, i could only forsee the budget prevision
fugolini looking at some sites, past events etc...
spevack I think ultimately FAMSCO must decide how to make sure budget is fair
spevack but I want every ambassador to have a chance to sign up to run an event
spevack i think we agree on this... maybe i am just not saying it the right way?
fugolini ah, this is only for sign up purpose
spevack The job of all ambassadors is to sign up for as many events as they want to be accountable for.
spevack the job of FAMSCO is to then figure out how to support those events
spevack right?
fugolini yes, this week is really difficult for me :)
iWolf spevack: +1
spevack fugolini: no problem :)
fugolini you can go on ...
spevack well, that's about all I have to say right now. I've got my proposal in the email for more specific questions.
spevack I am concerned that no one seemed to pay attention to the "May 1 deadline for Q2 events" email.
spevack but i can send another one that is shorter and more to the point :)
spevack the Events page is already filling up pretty well
kanarip well it's up to event owners to pay attention and add themselves to the page before May 1 deadline
iWolf a reminder though with the May 1st point and a link to the more lengthy email is reasonable though.
kanarip what may be more important in that aspect is that if they have events but we don't know about it, we may not get any metrics or feedback from those events
iWolf maybe even a blog post for folks paying more attention to those.
fugolini yea, i think so
spevack well, let me be honest with you all
spevack I have been playing with numbers in my head all day
spevack and I think we are in decent shape for the rest of Q1
spevack (I am a little bit worried about the costs of CDs, DVDs, and USBs)
spevack particularly because USBs are just really expensive. Even if we get them for $5 each, that's still the same as 4 DVDs
spevack and I think we'll be fine for Q2 -- it's still a month away, people won't fill things in until the last minute
spevack but I think that overall we are figuring out processes that will allow us to serve our community better this year than last year
kanarip USB !== swag, right?
spevack and we need to be really open about asking the community for feedback
spevack kanarip: unfortunately, anything tangible is considered swag
spevack CD, USB, DVD
spevack if we have to pay for it, it's swag :)
kanarip ohw ok
spevack now, for example, stuff @ LinuxTag comes out of the LT budget
spevack same with FUDCon
kanarip during our board meeting we considered anything that we sell merchandise instead of swag just to make the distinction
spevack the large shows have budget to support themselves with swag
spevack my worry is running out of swag to support the smaller shows
iWolf i'm not sure we'd get our money's worth from USB keys.
spevack which is why I like the idea of having money for "regional smaller shows" pooled together in the hands of 2 or 3 responsible folks (like Fedora EMEA)
spevack so they can coordinate swag in one order for smaller shows
spevack does what I'm saying make sense?
kanarip yes, very much
* spevack worries he's not explaining himself well
spevack ok
fabian_a yes
MrTom ok for me
spevack iWolf: i worry about the USBs too. It would be really cool, but without *selling* them back, it seems too costly to just give away
fugolini spevack: i think it could be a great idea
spevack I think that we need to advertise at every event that if people show up with a USB key, we'll turn it into Fedora for them.
iWolf spevack: that's my thoughts. people will take a USB key, wipe fedora off of it and use it for whatever, just to get the free USB key.
fugolini iWolf: if what i'm thinking too
spevack ok FAMSCo, so should I just continue to operate the way I have been with the budget stuff?
fugolini *is
kanarip spevack, +1
fugolini spevack: yes,
iWolf spevack: i'm fine with how it has been handled so far.
iWolf so, +1
kanarip but i'm not FAMSCo ;-)
spevack do you guys feel like you have enough consultation and input in the matter? I don't want you to feel like I'm just making the decisions myself
spevack kanarip: maybe not, but I respect your opinion ;)
kanarip thanks ;-)
fugolini spevack: i think the guidelines are perfect
iWolf spevack: i like to see the things hit the famsco list, i think most of us have been fine with how it gets distributed, but the "transparency" of the list helps us figure out how it flows.
iWolf if that makes sense.
fugolini we could, as you know, work on the list
fugolini on simple issue like USB etc...
spevack iWolf: yeah, i'll keep posting lots of stuff to the list. these things only make sense when you can actually look at numbers
spevack fugolini: i feel like, for example, if we hand a certain region, or a certain event $x for their show, and they want to spend it all on USBs, that's their choice. And depending on how well that choice turns out, it will impact what happens next time they ask for money :)
spevack it's a learning process for everyone, is my view.
spevack we have to try new things from time to time, but we also need to try to get good value for our money
spevack ok, that's about all I have on budget stuff right now.
fugolini i'm just thinking (sorry but i'm mind lagged today) to make a deep discussion in list
fugolini because, for my point of view, is really difficult to work on live streming
fugolini but as i said a lot of time i think you have the capacities to make this work
fugolini and it's a luck to have you here
spevack we'll continue all the discussions on the list.
spevack thanks francesco
spevack I feel like the CFO of Fedora ;)
fugolini chief financial officer?
spevack When I was the CEO of Fedora, I had no money. Now Paul's the CEO, but I have all the money! :D
fugolini lol
MrTom hehe
iWolf :-)
kanarip so that's why you're relocating
kanarip now i get it!
fugolini what i want to see from ambassadors are feedbacks
spevack we had some good feedback, like the people who were asking about an event in Africa.
fugolini just to know what they are thinking about it
spevack which I am happy to support, if it has someone to organize it.
fugolini but many times some countries seems invisible in the list
fugolini personally i want to see a great global partecipation
fugolini and for budget issues i think they are important
fugolini eof
MrTom we have people from tunisia within the French org
fugolini Can we move one?
iWolf +1
fugolini 2. F9 Release Party Planning
fugolini iWolf
* spevack will have to go soon, sorry.
iWolf I posted the irc notes from the marketing meeting to the list yesterday.
iWolf i would like to finalize a release party organization page
iWolf with the ideas, suggestions for locations to hold them, and then really push with mailing list posts, blog posts etc, to get people organizing them.
iWolf so hopefully by early next week start the campaign to get ambassadors throwing some release parties.
iWolf any thoughts on that? timeline or otherwise?
iWolf oh, and remind people to put the parties on the events calendary, as fugolini said, if there are too many we can shuffle them to their own page.
fugolini mh
fugolini Is the plan complete?
fugolini i try to explain
iWolf we have ideas posted to your wiki page.
fugolini With all the ideas is possible to have a complete event set up
fugolini ?
iWolf yeah, i think we have enough ideas to help give an ambassador a solid start on what it takes to throw a party.
iWolf has anyone seen Ubuntu's planning page?
fugolini we can announce the release event trought fedora announce
fugolini [22:01] <spevack> hey jeroen
fugolini [22:01] <fugolini>
fugolini ops
fugolini bad pasting
fugolini i saw it some time ago
fugolini you gave me the link
iWolf ah, cool!
fugolini as you said before i think sometimes ambs is not so read
fugolini >Publicise It
fugolini that's the point
fugolini like you said
fugolini i want to know from all famsco members and ambassadors
fugolini could you meet other ambassadors from other cities etc?
iWolf is that a question for me?
fugolini for famsco and ambassadors
fugolini you too :)
iWolf :)
fugolini i want to create a global network of social relations
fugolini like in europe
fugolini to better coordinate ourselves
fugolini and make important issue like release events better promoted
fugolini eof
fugolini ping
kanarip pong
iWolf pong
fugolini ok
fugolini have you questions?
MrTom not for me
fugolini sorry today is a queite strange meeting
fugolini 3. Wiki (both delegate and cleanup) status
fabian_a !
fugolini fabian_a:
fabian_a sooner or later we move on to mediawiki.
fabian_a shall we still go on with the clean-up or did it when we switch?
fabian_a eof
iWolf I would move on with the clean-up.
spevack relatively soon -- probably not long after the F9 release -- and that is why it is good to get the cleanup done before, so that we don't waste time migrating pages that will just be thrown away later
iWolf spevack: +1
fugolini for the clean up porcess we need to review famsco pages
MrTom !
fugolini and we have to start working on contents updates
fugolini i have some paper schemes
fugolini MrTom:
MrTom i removed many many french related meeting pages and we are now discussing on the Fr ml were could list have the remaining events
fugolini great
MrTom and there is a query from our group it seems, a page where to set in stones the past events, a king of memories, if people are looking for a contact who was attending at those events for exampls
MrTom i don't know yet if this exists or not
fugolini we have a past event archive, if i'm not wrong
MrTom oh that simple... thanks
MrTom :)
* fugolini will never use past function ...
* fugolini *paste
fugolini Sorry if this week i could be available to finish the work but i have some, not calculated, problems
fugolini but we have only few pages missing
fugolini i promised last week to finish the work before the past sunday, but it didn't happen, sorry
iWolf no worries - we all have $dayjobs and studies
fugolini fabian_a: i don't understand the infrastucture delegate task?
fugolini *-?
fugolini could you explain us ( i read something in the mktg list)
fugolini *to us
fabian_a so far, it's about being the first point of contact
fabian_a i guess that the rest will be defined in the near future
fugolini ok
fugolini i added your task in the agenda
fugolini so we could have a current tasks list
fugolini Questions?
iWolf not from me.
fugolini now i want to closed past issue
fugolini Event Reporting Guidelines Define Fedora Event Budget criterias FAmSCo position
fugolini Event Reporting Guidelines | Define Fedora Event Budget criterias | FAmSCo position
fugolini for the criterias i think we are ok now
fugolini because mac
fugolini *max has to
fugolini send us only the scheme
fugolini i think we can just put to the first two task the last meeting date
fugolini and for the last one the 3rd meeting (i think)
fugolini it's ok?
fugolini ok :)
iWolf sounds good to me, we might want to keep a recurring budget/event item, just so we cover upcoming events/budget each meeting.
iWolf but those specific tasks you listed are done, i think.
fugolini Fedora Event Budget is ok?
iWolf yeah, that is enough to make sure we touch base on it each meeting.
* iWolf needs to leave in a couple of minutes.
fugolini yea, we have finished
fugolini i was waiting your opinion about the last issue
fugolini *famsco
fugolini i think if anyone has to move objection we can adjourn the meeting
fugolini 3
fugolini 2
fugolini 1
fugolini == meeting adjourned ==

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